View Full Version : Transparent Region Fills

2007-01-20, 12:57 AM
Whats the work-around to achieve a Transparent Fills...Right now my Region fills are blocking every element that falls underneath it....

2007-01-20, 01:27 AM
Whats the work-around to achieve a Transparent Fills...Right now my Region fills are blocking every element that falls underneath it....
If you mean "line based" filled regions, then you just go to the properties of that pattern and make the background from Opaque to Transparent....that easy....

If you meant a solid fill, like a 25% Black, then you can't make that transparent...although you can use a sand pattern and make the background transparent,.....

Hope it helps..

2007-01-21, 10:08 PM
You need to use 2 views, create the one view with the fills as hidden line. Then place it on a sheet. Now duplicate the view and turn on only what you want to see over the fill, change this view to wireframe and add it to the sheet, it will snap right into place. Then just change the viewport type to one with no label(view title) and your done.