View Full Version : Tag leaders

2007-01-20, 02:04 AM
Is there a way to make the leader from a tag come from the middle of the top line?

I would like it to be the same as for text notes.

Specifically, I have a 4 line tag and the leader comes from the centre of lines 2 and 3. I am aiming for it to come from the centre of line 1.


2007-01-20, 04:44 AM
You might have to edit the family and move the text down so it's not centered. In some cases, you might have to add an invisible line at the top...play with it's length to see what happens until you get the desired effect (load the family back into your project). The invisible line serves to "fool" Revit in assessing where the overall midpoint of the tag is, which is how you might be able to get the leader to "shift" up to the first line of text in the tag.

2007-01-20, 05:07 AM
Thanks David.

That makes sense. I wasn't sure if there was some option somewhere that allowed us to determine this.


2007-01-20, 05:30 AM
Just did this. It does work ok. I used the invisible line to space the distance the leader starts from the text as well


2007-01-20, 08:32 AM

I know where you are coming from on this one, and it frustrates me too but i in the end i just decided to live with it. It surprises me that the leader location is not defined by the reference planes in the family as i automatically thought it might be. I'll have to give that one a try tho - thanks Dave!

Also, another thing with tags: Why does it automatically place a "?" in an empty field!? So annoying because i don't always want to fill all the fields out in my tags. I ended up having to create types and turn each unused label off with a visibility parameter.

2007-01-20, 10:30 AM

Also, another thing with tags: Why does it automatically place a "?" in an empty field!? So annoying because i don't always want to fill all the fields out in my tags.
Yes, it would be nice to know the logic behind this one.