View Full Version : Wall Sweep around wall openings

2007-01-22, 04:51 PM
The attached file shows a single wall with several openings and wall sweeps applied. I am unable to get the sweeps to flow around the openings.

What am I missing?

Actually I cannot seem to get my little example project to upload. I keep getting this message: "Invalid Post specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the webmaster".
The file is located on my local hard drive. Any suggestions?

Dan Darling

2007-01-22, 05:38 PM
you could take a screenshot of the sweep problem and upload the jpeg if you haven't tried.

Depending on what you have for a sweep, you should be able to select the sweep in 3d and use the blue dots to pull the sweep back to the window opening, then create another sweep and do the same on the opposite side of the opening.

2007-01-22, 06:24 PM
Thank you for the suggestion.

I don't have a problem with length of the sweep. The problem occurs with the height of the sweep (in this case a 36" wide corrigated panel) that will not flow around the door and window openings when the opening is not an exact increment of 36". The grips only allow me to affect the start and stop positions of the sweep along the wall.

Dan Darling

2007-01-22, 07:02 PM
I think I know what you've got going on.....maybe hehe. Post a screenshot if you can.

If you pick your sweep and go into the properties box, click edit, and see if cut by inserts is checked. That may be your problem. I wish I could be more help. I don't know much about sweeps.

2007-01-22, 07:33 PM
The Cut By Inserts is checked. Doors and Windows work OK. In my case, the wall(s) have been altered by editing the wall profile to accomodate openings in the wall and the sweeps do not respond.