View Full Version : Door/window tags that show phasing

2007-01-24, 12:39 AM
I am working on a residential remodel and have decided to use tags instead of reporting the size next to each win/door. Is there a way to edit my tags to show a small (N) new or (E) existing, with in the tag? it would also be good to indicate (N) or (E) in the schedule also ...

thank you

2007-01-24, 04:46 PM
I am working on a residential remodel and have decided to use tags instead of reporting the size next to each win/door. Is there a way to edit my tags to show a small (N) new or (E) existing, with in the tag? it would also be good to indicate (N) or (E) in the schedule also ...

thank you

What parameter are your tags reading? Door tags read the "Mark" parameter by default, so I've simply numbered existing doors "E100, E101" etc and they show up in the schedule and on plan with the same number. It sounds like your door tag is not reading that parameter. Windows are little different than doors, they read the "Type Mark" by default. You could either put the "N" or "E" into the type mark parameter of the window family, or create a new tag that reads a different parameter. Then simply include that parameter in the schedule.

2007-01-24, 05:42 PM
I've simply numbered existing doors "E100, E101"
I've done this on projects and I think it worked well. What you can do to make this easier is pay attention when you place your first door. After placing your first existing door, change the mark of this door to E101, then each consecutive door you place will carry that method on, i.e. E102, E103 etc. When you are ready to place your new door, stop, change the number to N101, then continue on with the same results. This makes it pretty nice.


2007-01-24, 07:03 PM
We use an existing door family. They are all the same and all tag with a type (E) which is what we use for our existing. We do the same with walls floors or whatever else we have that is existing. We will selectively upgrade some of the objects to reflect proper demo and patching but only affected objects.

2007-01-24, 07:21 PM
We use an existing door family. They are all the same and all tag with a type (E) which is what we use for our existing.
I'm curious as why you would choose to use this for your approach? Curious because maybe I'm missing some useful functionality by doing this way.

If Revit has a phasing function, demo tool etc., and can mange all elements relative to the phase they were created etc., why would you reiterate this in your families? Is is simply to control a Type Mark so there is less typing? What other benefits do you feel you are getting from approaching it like this?


2007-01-24, 07:44 PM

When you do renovation work it is pretty easy to get caught in the trap of saying a wall is GWB on 3 1/2 inch studs when in fact it is 6" or 8" Sometimes as builts are wrong and bashing a hole to find out is frowned upon. Therefore we draw all of our existing ojbects as the same and let the contractor work out what is required. Remember we are working off Half assed Autocad drawings or some drawing enlarged from a micro fiche from 1952. Too much room for error on the removation process. It also allows for qucik changeing of the objects when we need to renovate something and they schedule great. Contractors seem to like getting a list of all the existing doors an relites in the space so they can see what is staying demoed and new. There is less work on our part and the system works very well for clients who are not looking for a CAFM BIM model down the road (Which frankly is most of our clients for now)

2007-01-24, 10:38 PM
I have already placed all of my doors and windows and they are all tagged. Revit knows which objects are N/E , so what parameter do I add to the door tag to get it to read E or N from the object? If i knew that I could just pop-on a label and reload the tag and all my doors would show N or E (or Demo I guess)

2007-01-25, 05:10 AM
You can edit the door numbers from a schedule which would make editing your door marks easier at this point. You are not going to find a majic button that will do this for you, although that would be cool if it existed! 8) What I would suggest is create a door schedule for each phase so that you can seperate them indefinitly, then start at row 1 and move down your list. Do this for each phased schedule and you'll have it taken care of. Next time you can place these doors and have the numbers update as you go, but I think this is your best bet for this go around. Hope this helps you out.


2007-01-25, 06:39 AM
I may have to do that. I should probably reorganize my schedules like that for clarity anyway. I really would like to know if there is a (parameter?) that I can add to a label inside my window tag. It may be that I am using the wrong terms. Example: what (parameter?) would you use to tag an existing wall or any other element and show it as (e)?

2007-01-25, 06:52 AM
Phase is not available as a parameter when you create a tag. Nor is it available in a schedule. Phase is applied to an entire schedule, not displayed in columns next to each item.

Phase is a "state" of being based upon the phase of the view it is visible in and when the element was created, whether or not it was demolished and which phase it occurred if it did. A door may be existing in one schedule but in another it is new, depending which phase is assigned to the schedule. Add the phase filter applied to the schedule and you might have all four states represented. The phase filter really "defines" how the door that fits its criteria should appear.

In order for a tag to show what phase state a door should represent it would need to be a door "schedule" in order to work out what it should show depending which view you put the tag in.

I'm not saying that you are wrong to want to be able to do so, just that it isn't possible at this time.