View Full Version : Wall Lines

2007-01-25, 05:49 PM
Some how the center line of my foundation walls is showing and I have no idea how to turn them off. It's a green line with grips at either end.

2007-01-25, 11:41 PM
Could you please post screen capture? Generally the centerline (I am assuming location line) will only show when you are creating the wall.
Best regards,

2007-01-26, 12:24 PM
This might be the structural Analytical Model. Go in Visibility/Graphics and check Show Categories from all disciplines, then go to walls and expand

2007-01-26, 12:33 PM
This couldn't be just a model line could it? Have you tab selected to see if it highlights? I know when I start a project I use model lines before I make walls to show the footprint of my house. I do a select all, then filter for lines then delete. The green color you state makes me think it might be a model line.

2007-01-26, 03:54 PM
It wasn't a model line, that I'm sure of. But when I opened the project this morning the lines were gone. It was a green line, and they were lines I never drew on the plan, they just showed up, But they are now gone. Who know's maybe they took an early weekend. I think it may have to be with the anaylitcal model, something I don't know anything about.

Scott D Davis
2007-01-26, 04:34 PM
I think it may have to be with the anaylitcal model, something I don't know anything about.
Did you at anytime change the properties of your walls for "Structural Usage" to Bearing, Shear, or Combined? If so, and the analytical lines in Visibiltiy were on, then green lines will appear at the center of the walls. Follow the advice Daniel gave, and turn on the analytical lines for walls. Set a wall Structural Usage to Bearing, and see if the lines come back.

Best way to learn about something you know nothing about is to try it out!