View Full Version : Layer properties are lost when the attached Xref files are reloaded

2004-07-02, 05:57 PM
Whenever I reload my attached xref, all the viewports in the host drawing lose their layer freeze/thaw settings and I have to set all the visibilities again. The layer state manager doesn't restore the settings for the xref. Should I perhaps save layer states in the xref source file, will these be imported with the attachment?

David Bronston
Rock-River Engineering, PC
Fredericksburg, VA

ACAD 2004 on Windows 2000

2004-07-02, 06:10 PM
Are you toggeling ON all of the setting in the Layer State manager?

A better process might be to move or rename the XREF file such that it
becomes NOT FOUND rather than unloading or detaching the file
this should not affect the layerstates once you restore the files name and or location.
As I am pretty sure that saved layer states in and XREF are unusable to you.

2004-07-02, 06:27 PM

Take a look at the AutoCAD system variable VISRETAIN (Refer to the AutoCAD Online Help File "F1" for a detailed explanation).

PullDownMenu: Tools -> Options -> Open and Save Tab -> Retain changes to Xref layers (Check Box, middle right hand-side)


Check out the following Technical Document on the Autodesk web site under the Knowledge Base section -

ID: TS73857 - Nested xrefs lose layer changes (http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/item?siteID=123112&id=2893241&linkID=2475323)

ID: TS32465 - Xref (child) drawings change appearance when attached or reattached (http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/item?siteID=123112&id=2870677&linkID=2475323)

Have a good one, Mike

2004-07-02, 07:25 PM
Thank you Mike and mjf !!!
That's it. The tip is excellent as well as the KB link and example for future help reference.