View Full Version : Archive of Tips and Tricks of the Month - June 04 to August 05

Scott D Davis
2004-07-02, 06:24 PM
This thread will be a list that I will build upon every month as new Tips and Tricks are introduced as Tips and Tricks of the Month.

June 2004 - Greg Cashen
Crop Regions

Hate to have to turn Crop Regions on and off in the view properties dialog? Here's the solution: Instead of turning the Crop Region on or off, leave it on all the time, then right-click on it and select "Hide Annotation in View" Now it is invisible, but you can still select it and manipulate it! Remember, this only works in Sections and Elevations, not in plans.

July 2004 (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:GoToThread%28%27revit%27,%271445%27%29) - Arnel Aguel.
Standing Seam Metal Roofs

Here's a nice way to model your standing seam metal roofs, using the Slope Glazing tool.
Create a roof with slope as normal
Change the family type to slope glazing
Create grid lines that correspond to the center to center spacing of you roof seam
Create mullions at the seam (grid line) location. You can edit the size of the mullion (seam) as per you desired size.
Change the panel material from glass to default roof.
Voila you have a standing seam metal roof.August 2004 - David Conant - Autodesk Revit Product Designer
Fixed Width Text Elements

Rather than just clicking to start a text element, click down to place the start point and drag out a box before releasing the mouse button. This will establish a fixed width text box. Text will wrap automatically!

September 2004 - Jim Balding - AUGI Revit Chairperson - Wimberly Allison Tong & Goo.
Scaling an Imported Image
There have been many discussions on the best way to scale an image in Revit. I have developed a process that originated in AutoCAD modified and it works well with Revit in its current state. The theory is that there is a known dimension on the scanned image and that the image is a certain percentage of that real world dimension. We will use a simple floor plan in this example. Remember, this is not an exact science and it is assumed that since it is a scanned image it is not 100% accurate anyway... [read more] (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=7588)

October 2004 (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:GoToThread%28%27revit%27,9247%29) - Chris "Mr Spot" Price - Briggs, Patterson & Buhr Architects Pty. Ltd.
Importing DWG during Sketch Mode
Another method for drawing the property lines in Revit if you already have them in Autocad is to choose to sketch the propertly lines and then import the Autocad file straight into the sketch, the lines will automatically become sketch lines and this way you are positive it is exactly the same. Click Here! (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=9247)

November 2004 - (To be Updated!)

December 2004 (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:GoToThread%28%27revit%27,11672%29) - Submitted by The Revit Development Team
Revit 7.0 - How To: Quick 3D Details!
Have you wanted to create 3D details but just weren't sure about how to go about it in Revit? Well, here's a very quick way to produce 3D details! This works for wall sections, building sections, detail callouts, etc. Click Here to learn how! (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=11672)

January 2005 (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:GoToThread%28%27revit%27,11790%29) - Submitted by Phil Read - Autodesk Revit Implementation Architect
Revit 7.0 - How To: 3D Color Fills!

This is a great Revit 7.0 Tip to start off the New Year! Using the new massing tools, assigned to different materials and different colors, Phil shows us how to produce color fills which will show up in plan, section, 3D, perspective, and section-perspectives! This is a great way for your clients to see how spaces relate to each other! Click Here to learn how! (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=11790)

February 2005 (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:GoToThread%28%27revit%27,1230%3Cimg%20src=%22images/smilie/icon_cool.gif%22%20border=%220%22%20alt=%22%22%20title=%22Cool%22%20smilieid=%2223%22%20class=%22inlineimg%22%20/%3E) - Submitted by Steve Shell - Rock-n-Roll Architect!
Revit 7.0 - Recessed Model Text

First, set up a named reference plane flush with the wall. Then place model text, using the "select name" and then select it. Type the model text and place it. Then, go to properties and select the depth of the letters. Type in a negative number to make it as deep as you want. This will set the letters behind the reference plane, thus recessing it. Then, set the material of the text to glass, clear with 100% transparency and no reflection or smoothness. Once done, you can render it and it will appear to be keyed into the concrete wall since the glass is basically invisible and the shadows will be cast onto the back wall of the recessed letters. Click Here to see the whole Thread! (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=12308)

March 2005 - Revit 7.0 – Plan Regions – Use them to assist alignment of objects - Submitted by Wes Macaulay (Metanoia) – Pacific Alliance Technologies

I'm working on a project where the framed walls weren't drawn properly on top of a 5" concrete curb (which I recommend to be drawn as a floor object so they don't create more wall join issues, and so walls can be turned off to do a slab layout plan). Instead of drawing sections all over the place, it occurred to me to use a small plan region at 4" above the level so I could see the curb inside the region, and the wall outside. With detail set to medium, I could use the Align tool to get the walls to the right place on the curb. Then I just moved the plan region around from one wall to the next. Click here (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=15063)to see the Post with Graphics!

May 2005 (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=21445) Spot Dimensions with Lifting Power
Submitted by Bruce Gow (Beegee), Revit Forum Moderator

Place an element and then place a spot dimension. Select the element and note that the spot dimension has become editable. Amend the spot dimension - the element's elevation has now been amended also. Click here (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=21445) to go to the Post.

June 2005 (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=21751) Turn off Room Separation Lines (and other Revit objects!)
Submitted by Funkman, from Sydney, Australia
Select the Room Separation Lines and type VH. Gone in half-a-second. (Editor note, make sure you have the shortcut VH set for the Tool: View>Category Invisible) Click here (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=21751) to go to the Post.

July 2005 (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=21979) Tips for Large Projects
Submitted by Wes Macaulay, Pacific Alliance Technologies
We've been working on a very large project for the last few months and we've been learning what you need to do to make a large project successful. We'll be adding to this over the next few weeks so stay tuned. Besides the obvious (fast computers with lots of RAM), consider the following: Use gigabit technology in your network from the workstation to the server, particularly on large projects (over 75Mb). Avoid use of RAID on the drives hosting the central file - have the drive mirrored after working hours or find another alternative. Use more worksets. Click here (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=21751) for additional information.