View Full Version : How Important is Shared Coordinates?

2007-01-30, 12:09 AM
We are an architectural firm getting ready to work with a structural engineer who has recently jumped on the Revit wagon. This is a first for both of us. A while back, our COO was sitting in on an advanced Revit training session and heard the trainer tell the class that when linking Revit models between architect and engineer, shared coordinates was THE most important thing to understand.

I'm not sure why and I've never heard that before. My thought was that we would set up the grid, like we usually do, ship the model off to the engineer, who would in turn use our grid to start his model. With both architect and engineer using the same grid, is sharing coordinates even necessary? Wouldn't we both use the grid to locate each others Revit models and then be done with it?

Phil Read
2007-01-30, 12:49 AM
Nah - most important thing to remember is to check your fly before walking into a big meeting. :)

As for shared coor'ds - just remember that you don't move the model to the space...you move the space to the model. Start the model centered somewhere inside the default elevations. Specify 0,0 or other coordinate when appropriate.

All the best -


2007-01-30, 12:56 AM
If you send your model to your engineer with grids already started and perhaps some columns & framing, they could easily open your file in the same Revit session and do copy & paste aligned to their new file and everything should land in the same location (relative to the internal project origin). We actually have our engineers take the Architectural and remove everything that's non-structural and then transfer project standards into this stripped file and save it as their central. This way, all the plan areas have been figured out by architectural and everything matches up. Then each discipline links their models into each other's project for reference.

Adam Mac
2007-01-30, 04:00 AM
Nah - most important thing to remember is to check your fly before walking into a big meeting.Damn - if ony someone had told me that when i was younger!! LOL.