View Full Version : cut plane question

2004-07-04, 07:20 AM
I have been having a problem with how windows display in plan. I have attached a sample plan and elevation. If the cut plan slices through all three of these windows at 4'-0" why don't they all appear the same in the plan?

2004-07-04, 07:45 AM
First, I assume you have set this view up specifically to post the image so I imagine you don't have a rogue plan region in there.

Assuming that is not the problem you need to look at how your family is set up, I suspect that that is where the problem lies. I set up a similar view using default wall and window families and it displayed exctly as I was expecting it to, i.e. as your leftmost window in plan.

2004-07-04, 03:36 PM
I guess I thought that the cut plane settings in the view that you were in controlled how things appear in your view. I adjusted the cut plane in the family and managed to get the problem fixed. I had no idea that the family cut plane settings overruled the view cut plane settings.

2004-07-04, 10:05 PM
I guess I thought that the cut plane settings in the view that you were in controlled how things appear in your view. I adjusted the cut plane in the family and managed to get the problem fixed. I had no idea that the family cut plane settings overruled the view cut plane settings.
You need to check and adjust the Family Element Visibility Settings in your window family so that elements appear in plan when cut and in different detail levels.

The cut plane setting in th efamily should only effect what you see in plan within the family file.

2004-07-04, 11:12 PM
You need to check and adjust the Family Element Visibility Settings in your window family so that elements appear in plan when cut and in different detail levels.

The cut plane setting in th efamily should only effect what you see in plan within the family file.

I never changed any of the family element visibility settings. The one change that I made that fixed the problem was to alter the cut plane in the window family. That fixed it. The relationship between all these different visibility settings is something I'll have to figure out.

2004-07-05, 12:57 AM
Your view setting in the family should have nothing to do with view settings in the project. If indeed this change is what fixed your problem, then there may be a bug. I've tried to duplicate here and couldn't. Would love to see the file.

Taylor A
2004-07-05, 01:34 AM
I have had this problem from time to time.
I assume that your windows are from exactly the same family but when you change a few of the parameters you get mixed results. I don't have an answer but would love someone from Revit to have a look at your file and come up with an answer.

2004-07-05, 02:31 AM
Here is the file. There is one window (the 36 x 24) that will only install in elevation for some reason. It's a bit of a disorganized mess family type-wise as I was doing so much banging around to try and get it to work. I was trying to get the 36 x 24 window to appear properly in plan and was having no luck till I changed the cut plane in the family.

Taylor A
2004-07-05, 06:07 AM
Yep...thats the sort of thing I get......when the height of the window gets a little small it doesn't view correctly in plan. I tried your your all your window types and the small 24x36 type doesn't shown correctly.....send it to Revit.

2004-07-05, 07:42 AM
Here is the file. There is one window (the 36 x 24) that will only install in elevation for some reason. It's a bit of a disorganized mess family type-wise as I was doing so much banging around to try and get it to work. I was trying to get the 36 x 24 window to appear properly in plan and was having no luck till I changed the cut plane in the family.So, are you saying it works OK for you now ? ( because it loads into a new proeject file from plan and displays as expected for me in plan elevation and 3D........ I played with the sill height, lowered it to 4" (100 mm) and it still displays OK. )

2004-07-05, 01:52 PM
The window that I posted is the one that has the problem. If you try load the 36 x 24 window it will not display properly no matter how you set your view range in the project view. If you change the view range in the family it will then display correctly.

2004-07-05, 09:51 PM
it loads into a new proeject file from plan and displays as expected for me in plan elevation and 3D........ I played with the sill height, lowered it to 4" (100 mm) and it still displays OK. )
Try a new clean file and load it there.

If that doesn't work, you may be best to send it to support, since as I said, it's working OK for me.

2004-07-06, 12:00 AM
I just tried it again. New project. The 36 x24 window does not show correctly in plan. I'll sort it out later. If someone from Revit thinks it is important they can find the file in the in my post. Time is money so they say and this little problem has cost me enough already.

Taylor A
2004-07-06, 12:03 AM
Did you load all the windows in the family

2004-07-06, 12:58 AM
Yes I loaded all the windows.