View Full Version : Phasing Phamilies

2007-01-30, 09:53 PM
We have new and existing furniture in a renovation project. I am setting the phase for the existing furniture families as... go figure... 'existing.' There are dashed symbolic lines in the plan view of the furniture family, which although they appear grayed out as exisiting, they no longer appear dashed. How do I modify this to display correctly? I have attached the family.

2007-01-30, 10:08 PM
This is an unfortunate side effect of phasing. The graphic display of your existing work is done through graphic overrrides and phase filters: Setting>Phases then look at the Graphic Overrrides tab. You will notice that the overrride for existing is a gray color but more importantly the line style is set to solid. You do not have the option to select a "By Category" line style for this.

The only way to get the existing work to show by category (that I am aware of) is to change the phase filter under the existing column from "Overridden" to "By Category". When you do this however, the existing work is no longer gray-ed out.

I hope this answered you question. It does not appear as though there is anything wrong with what you did in your family.

2007-01-30, 10:08 PM
This will work if you would like everything on the Existing phase to show up as Dashed.

Go to "Settings" Menu and Click on "Phases"

The Phasing window will appear. You want to choose the "Graphic Overrides" tab.

You will now see the different phases and settings - if you change "Line Pattern" for Existing to "Dash 1/16" (Or whatever works for you). You can also change color of the line if you would like.

Also - if you don't want everything on the existing phase to be dashed you could create a phase for existing cabinets and set it up with dashed lines.

Hope this helps

2007-01-30, 10:12 PM
Looks like jason beat me too it.

2007-01-30, 10:19 PM
Thanks for the quick responses Dustin and Jason. Sounds like there are some control limitations with phasing. Maybe this should be a wish list item. Seems like the best solution for me at this time will be to remove the line that I want dashed from the family and just draft it in on the sheets... not the way I'd typically like to do things, but I don't want everything existing to be dashed. I haven't messed with phase settings with graphic overrides yet, so thanks for the introduction!

2007-01-30, 10:37 PM
Thanks for the quick responses Dustin and Jason. Sounds like there are some control limitations with phasing. Maybe this should be a wish list item. Seems like the best solution for me at this time will be to remove the line that I want dashed from the family and just draft it in on the sheets... not the way I'd typically like to do things, but I don't want everything existing to be dashed. I haven't messed with phase settings with graphic overrides yet, so thanks for the introduction!You could make a new phase called Existing-Cabinets. You can set-up new phase filters to show all the Existing Stuff - something to consider if you have a lot of Existing Cabinets.

2007-01-31, 02:57 AM

How do you want to display the existing cabinets? If you use an override in your phase filter, you will lose differences in your linetypes within a family. So your best option is to leave the display within your phase filter to be "by category" and perhaps create an "existing" version of your cabinet with the representation that you want. We can help you more if you give some specifics as to HOW you want things to appear.

2007-01-31, 01:33 PM

How do you want to display the existing cabinets? If you use an override in your phase filter, you will lose differences in your linetypes within a family. So your best option is to leave the display within your phase filter to be "by category" and perhaps create an "existing" version of your cabinet with the representation that you want. We can help you more if you give some specifics as to HOW you want things to appear.

Bascially, I want it to appear all gray, with the outline of the cabinet as a solid line, and then a dashed gray line diagonally across the top of the cabinet in plan view. It seems that if I create an "existing" family type, I can't choose to make some of the lines solid and some of them dashed. Is this the case? Others have suggested using a separate phase filter for existing cabinets, but wouldn't this make all of the lines one type or another?

2007-01-31, 02:52 PM
By creating an existing furniture family, you could create the linetypes you would like to use in the family itself as well as set the colors to grey. This way, when in your project, you could set the exising phase to show by category in this view, then the family linetypes would not be overriden and you could have the furniture show as you would like it to. But I see a problem with this because if you have anything else in the view that is existing, those elements will not have the grahic override applied to them either, so they would not be greyed out, only the furniture. So unless this one works for you, you may have to live with the solid linetype and the greyed out for existing.


2007-01-31, 04:31 PM
Chris, if you just want them to show up grey, create an "existing" family. Create new Exsiting subcategories and assign the grey color of your choice in your view and view templates, or globally in the Object Styles. You can still use phasing to take advantage of the scheduling and visibility options, but don't override your phase filters and use By Category instead. Now the display will be according to the color and linetype you set in your subcategories in your global Objecy Styles or your view's Visibility/Graphic overrides.