View Full Version : Corrupt Geometry?

2007-01-30, 10:29 PM
Okay, so we have a modelt hat has its share of problems. The first and foremost being that its 12 miles (yes, miles) off the origin. It was one of our pilot projects years ago, but the projecthas been so ongoing that its still going on. We got heavily in to the model this year, have already delivered one set of docs out of it, and are currently working on the next phase as we speak. Weve already rebuilt the model once, but we werent aware of the origin problem at the time, so we linked in the old one (maintaining the 12 mile oops, lol) so we had a base plan.

Now, the model is heavy... About 165 MB. TONS of docs in it. Three sets of CD's for different packages of the shell, and numerous smaller Lease Out packages. All of this is fine, weve done it in a few other models without incident.

In this model, however... When you go to open certain views, you get the message "An error has occured while drawing the contents of this view. This window shall now be closed." I know its been documented to being an Open GL / Hardware Accel issue, but there are some weird consistancies:

The Roof plan: First casuality. It wouldnt let us open it until today. It started popping up that error last Friday.

Floor plan: It wont let you adjust the view range to see the entire roof. You cant get up that high.

3DViews: Most of the work fine, and you can see everything, but occasionally one pops up that error, and then its gone for good.

Now, i was explaining how Worksets work, to someone here (lol), and i shut off all the worksets and told them to open a drawing. Before i thought to stop them, they opened the roof plan... and it opened. Once we activated the worksets... error.

So i opened them one at a time, and isolated the workset. But, ive got a LOT of existing steel in the model, several roofs, and a few architectural features on that workset.

Does anyone know how information is stored amongst worksets? Like... If i move everything to another workset, will anything straighten itself out? Or should i plan on trying to blow away the entire workset and rebuild it? (Not going to happen, lol...)

It had to be a long term retail addition and renovation for a pilot project, LOL...

2007-01-31, 01:58 PM
Okay, moving everything to a different workset didnt fix anything, so im in a detached model, slowly deleting objects until i find the culprit. Then ill have to try regreating whatever geometry is causing the problem, if i can track it down... :(

2007-01-31, 02:11 PM
You have tried switching off the Open GL feature in revit? If it still giving you problems I would really suggest sending the file off to autodesk support. They should be able to find the culprit as what is going wrong.

2007-01-31, 02:42 PM
Im highly confident its not the Open GL settings. This issue only exists office wide in ONE model, and weve got all of our projects in Revit, and have been for some time. Its only this one model, and the issue exists on every Hardware configuration we have in the office.

Autodesk Support has seen the file, a couple of months back. Thats how we found out that one of our problems is that the model is 12 miles from the origin. From what i hear, there was nothing they could do to help, short of grabbing the geometry and moving it 12 miles (and destroying the CD package thats already fully annotated...).

Wes Macaulay
2007-01-31, 02:55 PM
12 miles from the Project Coords origin?? yeah -- that might be a problem! Import an AutoCAD circle drawn at WCS 0,0 and import that origin to origin into Revit. Where does it land?

2007-01-31, 03:10 PM
Oops, its not 12 miles, LOL...

19.2 miles South, 9.18 miles West of the corner point of our model.... :(

Refresh me though, WCS in ACAD... I just go in to AutoCAD and draw the cicle with its center point at 0,0,0, correct? Then i imported it OTO, and dimensioned it.

2007-01-31, 03:56 PM
Import it by using origin to origin. Then relocate the whole project near that circle
Revit have a hard time with geometry far from the origin

2007-01-31, 04:01 PM
Import it by using origin to origin. Then relocate the whole project near that circle
Revit have a hard time with geometry far from the origin

I cant relocate the project. I cant physically move everything, or its going to waste all of the views that ive already set up. Theres a fully complete set of CD's, and a bunch of drawings in there.

As far as ive heard, redefining the origin wont do it at all... Thats just for shared coordinates. So im stumped by how id relocate the project.

Wes Macaulay
2007-01-31, 04:08 PM
Boy, is this is a cautionary tale :cry:

Yes, you'd have to move everything in the project, all at once. It could be done, but it would be messy!

...I think this is the biggest "gotcha" story I've ever heard in Revit.

2007-01-31, 04:18 PM
Boy, is this is a cautionary tale :cry:

Yes, you'd have to move everything in the project, all at once. It could be done, but it would be messy!

...I think this is the biggest "gotcha" story I've ever heard in Revit.

From the little instances that ive tried it, i dont even think you could grab everything in one selection set.

For instance: If i move a wall, and theres a section in the wall, i have to grab the section line and move it as well. BUT, then i have to go in the section, and grab all the annot. and detail lines, because they dont move with the section marker. So i would need a way to grab every modeled element, every drafting line, etc... I dont know of a way to activate all the views and select everything, haha.

Plus, while i know Revit has trouble a large distance from the origin, i dont know if said trouble/corruption is one way or not. Now that ive BEEN to 19 miles out, do you think things would even restore by moving back? For giggles, i should COPY everything back to the origin, and cut sections through it.

EDIT: Back to the topic at hand, ive isolated the troubled geometry back to the corner of one building... Im slowly narrowing it down. Im curious to see if i delete the offending object, and recreate it, if the problem will persist.

Wes Macaulay
2007-01-31, 04:22 PM
One of the methods I've used to turn off all the categories in the view (thru the Project Browser, since you can't open the view) and find out which category is causing the problem, then you might be able to figure out which object it is. Stairs and railings tend to be culprits, and you may have to delete/recreate the object.

2007-01-31, 04:27 PM
One of the methods I've used to turn off all the categories in the view (thru the Project Browser, since you can't open the view) and find out which category is causing the problem, then you might be able to figure out which object it is. Stairs and railings tend to be culprits, and you may have to delete/recreate the object.

Yup, thats my current approach. First i went workset by workset, to find the building area. Now im going catagory by catagory...

Thanks for the suggestions :)

2007-01-31, 06:42 PM
Well, i found the culprit preventing the roof plan from opening: A Bar Joist.

Much to my dismay, however... That is not the geometry affecting a different view that will still not open. I wonder if there are several problems in the model.... Going through them still...