View Full Version : Railings in Legends, or some reasonable facsimile thereof

2007-02-01, 05:26 AM
We have a legend problem I am having a tough time with. First off, we have a bunch of balconies, with very elaborate railings. Then we have a couple of louvered vent openings to ventilate the below grade parking, which will be enclosed with the same railing system as the balconies. However, the vents need to be scheduled and placed on legends as windows, as they will be priced as part of the window package. Of course I can't put a railing on a legend (and Why?! I might ask), so I thought I could just drop the window in the Legend, then trace some Detail Lines over the railing, and copy/paste them into the legend. Seems like it should work, it is drafting lines from one 2D view to another. But no, that doesn't work. As far as I can tell, I am going to have to dimension all the lines in the elevation view, and then manually redraw every single line to get it into the legend. This seems nuts, but I can't think of another way to do it. Anyone have a better answer? Please! ;)


2007-02-01, 04:05 PM
Could you create an elevation view that crops only the railing? The only draw back is you now have an elevation tag you need to hide throughout the rest of you documents.

Aaron Rumple had a post you also may want to consider where he used additional phases to create legends. I forget where it is at the moment.

2007-02-01, 05:23 PM
Could you create an elevation view that crops only the railing? The only draw back is you now have an elevation tag you need to hide throughout the rest of you documents.

Aaron Rumple had a post you also may want to consider where he used additional phases to create legends. I forget where it is at the moment.

But how do you get the elevation into the legend? Or do you stack the elevation on the legend at the sheet? That could maybe work. I could create a camera view, align to elevation, crop down and turn of visibility of everything but railings. Hmmm......

Kinda kludgy, but that might work. I will look for that post from Aaron as well. Thanks!


2007-02-01, 05:57 PM
Another imperfect solution:
Out to Autocad -back into the legend (or detail). This is what I've done with Railings I didn't want to model exactly in Revit.

Good Luck

2007-02-01, 06:07 PM
Here are the posts I had mentioned.



My initial thinking was that the railing elevation would become an elevation view and placed onto a sheet. However, after re-reading your post it does not sound like this is the direction you are headed.

Are the railings being documented as part of the louvered opening? or are they being documented separately? In either case, I think the methods outlined in the posts above should accomplish what you are looking for.

Good Luck.

2007-02-01, 06:16 PM
thanks for the info. In this case the 3D actually worked fairly well. Because neither the 3D nor the legend view offers any snapping at all (BUG!) I had to zoom way in and nudge the elevation into place. On the one hand it is so horribly not BIM it makes me nuts, on the other hand it took just a few minutes to do, and is still better coordinated than any CiR (CAD in Revit) approach. If someone moves the window around on the legend then they will need to adjust the elevation too, but that isn't so bad.

But boy, I am sure waiting for the day when ALL families can go in a legend, in ANY view (including 3D) with phase. Then we will actually have a Legend tool with which we can make legends. Oh, I also want a legend that will automatically include any item of a specific type that is actually placed in the model. When I remove that last 3-0X8-0 door, it just comes out of the legend automatically. Woo hoo!
