2007-02-01, 07:03 PM
OK, I posted this at the end of another thread, the closest one I could find on the topic- but no one answered, maybe it wasn't viewable.

I already know how to create line styles & how to load them into the view- but someone in my office has stumbled into a predicament:

When creating a filled region, under the type pull-down, instead of the different line types listed there is a list of all the different drafting views that he has created. When I change the type to a different drafting view that is listed, the filled region will change, as wanted- but there is no way of knowing which line style to choose....:screwy:

Does anyone know how the line styles were overwritten by the drafting views & how to fix?????

Shauna M.

2007-02-01, 08:05 PM
Never seen this and not sure if I understand what's going on....could you post a screen shot?

2007-02-01, 08:34 PM
ok- I can't get onto his computer at the moment, so hear is an example on mine.

I'm attempting to create two filled regions of different styles-

but on his computer, in the pull-down, (where the arrow is pointing) instead of different patterns listed, (as in picture) there is a list of all the different drafting views he had created in that drawing.

This list of drafting views also appears in the other pull-down, which is pictured in the second doc.

Now, you can click on those & each one is assigned a different style just like they were created & loaded into the project. The problem with this is that we have no idea what style lies underneath, because they are not named accordingly.

2007-02-01, 09:20 PM
Hmmmm that sounds really odd. Seems like something went haywire because drafting views shouldn't show up in a pull down that is design to show line styles! Have you tried auditing the file when opening?

2007-02-01, 09:30 PM
I have no idea what that means.

Is there an explanation for that in the help?

2007-02-01, 10:04 PM
When you open a Revit file you have the option to Audit the file. By selecting this option Revit will scan, detect, and fix corrupt information in the file.

2007-02-02, 08:56 PM
Can't make version 9.1 do what you are talking about. Send the file to the factory.