View Full Version : Line weights associated with colours?

2007-02-02, 12:12 AM
Do the colours in revit represent a line weight when assigned to an object when printing?


Scott D Davis
2007-02-02, 12:22 AM
No, there is a value for line weight in object styles that controls line thickness, which can also be dependent on scale. That is, a line style called "Wide" can print at 1/4" in a 1/4" scale view, and 1/8" of an inch in an 1/8" scale view.

2007-02-02, 12:22 AM
nope. lineweights are independent and set in the "object styles" box. However, if you print grayscale, colors will print their gray value I believe.

2007-02-02, 12:25 AM
man, scott. that's twice in like 4 minutes you beat me to the punch. you type too fast

2007-02-02, 12:26 AM
To perhaps second guess your thinking.

I once had it in mind to denote screen colours to line weights so I could more readily see what was happening with lineweight. I tried it for a few drawings and gave it a miss. I found as my revit skills increased, colour by lineweight was not necessary.


2007-02-02, 03:56 AM
One thing I would like is to be able to assign a different color to Model Lines vs Drafting lines to easily distinguish them in a plan view. I try to stress the importance of using drafting lines in most cases (a lot of users still use lines line in Cad to align things and move stuff around). So drafting lines are disposable elements that one places in a working view. But since not everyone has come to grasp with the fact that Revit has 2 types of lines, model lines are used most (since they are readily available on the Basics tab and drafting lines seem to be hidden away). It would make life a bit easier to see what needs cleaned from a drawing by visually discerning between the two types. Filters don't handle lines unfortunately, and the same happens with the selection filter....it doesn't distinguish between model and detail lines.

2007-02-02, 04:11 AM
I agree fully with the drafting line idea and have a variety of them in my template. I would recommend taking the time to set them up in the template to help you get maximum use from them.


2007-02-02, 03:39 PM
sounds like another "but this is how AutoCAD does it" issue. Put that aside, and learn the new ways. After awhile, you won't even want to go back to AutoCAD. :D