View Full Version : Revision Schedule

2007-02-05, 02:26 PM
Does anyone know if you can do a revision count in the revision schedule? I am updating our Titleblock and was hoping to use the revision schedule in 9.1 since we have not used it in the past. But we like to show the Revision Cloud count for a particular revision and from what I have found Revit will not automatically do this. Has anyone found a way to at least fake it? It will not even let me add a column to input the info (see image for an example).


Scott D Davis
2007-02-05, 04:54 PM

In the Revision Schedule inside the titleblock, go to the Edit Schedule, then Properties.
On the Fields Tab, click Calculated Value button.
Input a name such as "REVISION COUNT" in the name box
Levae Discipline set to Common, and Type set to Number
In Formula box, type Revision Number (no = sign, and be sure to make the capitalization exactly like the parameter name. Click OK
your new Calculated Value will show up in the Scheduled Fields box
On the Formating tab, click on your new Calculated Value parameter, and Check the Calculate Total check box.
Click OK out of all dialogs, and reload into your project.
You should now have a new column that keeps track of the number of revisions.

2007-02-05, 05:01 PM

Does it calculater per sheet or total for that revision #? I only need per sheet for the revision #.

Scott D Davis
2007-02-05, 05:51 PM
havent tested, but I assume it depends if you set up your revisions to be "by sheet" or "by project"

2007-02-06, 02:01 PM
Hi there,
First off, great tutorial Scott! Thank you. Does this work for any quantity in a schedule?

Secondly..... Jennifer, why would you have a revision count. I am curious because of the way I do revisions....
Example: I need to change a door from a non-rated to a 20-min label assembly.
First I would cloud and delta the plan view. Then, cloud and delta the dooor schedule. As far as I am concearned, this is one revision. Revit, however, with this calculation, will count it as 2 revisions. (By counting the instance of tags I am assuming.)
Am I missing something? Just curious and always looking to improve my CD's.
Thank you

2007-02-06, 02:28 PM
In our office we show a revision count for the number of clouds on each sheet. So for example if on sheet A-2.1 there are 3 clouds/tags for Revision 1 it would show 3 under the count. For sheet A-3.1 5 clouds so 5 and so on. Then for revision 2 we would delete the clouds and levae the tags and draw new clouds and count. It is really repetitive and I am hoping since the Revit schedule does not calculate it this way I can convert the office.

2007-02-06, 02:50 PM
After giving this one some though, I think I agree with Steve. At first I was thinking that this would be helpful as it would just be another way to double check that you have seen all the revisions on the CD's. (BTW, I'm looking at this as a Contractor bidding the plans.) But after putting a little thought into it, a revision is pretty specific most of the time and this could get pretty redundant as you could end up with a lot of revisions only having a count of 1, in that case, you probably saw the cloud to begin with. I actually like it when an architect/engineer issues a very clear addendum or clarification that addresses the revisions that have been made along with the set of CD's, clouds and revision schedule. So if I were to want to see anything else referenced in the revision schedule, I'd rather see 'Rev. 1 - rev. desc. - date - addendum #1, or clarif. #1' or something like that. That lets me know that the revisions are specified in detail somewhere in a document and probably is information that couldn't be specified in a schedule due to it's length, which is the case for most revision schedules. You can only fit so much verbage in a small area. I don't know how that could be done in a revision schedule, but I'm merely addressing the method as I found it to be interesting and something I would like to include in our own CD's. This makes bidding nice and keeps everything very clear for all parties.

My 2 cents.


2014-03-05, 03:16 PM
Bringing this super-old thread back to life since I cant seem to figure it out.
What does Scott David mean by "In Formula box, type Revision Number (no = sign, and be sure to make the capitalization exactly like the parameter name. Click OK"
Exactly what am I supposed to type into the Formula box? Feel really stupid, but cant for the life of me figure this one out...

If anyone knows, please please help!

2015-01-08, 08:20 PM
I was preparing for a presentation for the NJRUG on Revision info and saw this thread. For the record, I think this method proposed by Scott does not work unless I'm missing something. To answer the last question, see screenshot for how to address the "In Formula box..." step. The problems with this method are that the Revision Number parameter (built-in) is not actually a 'number' parameter and therefore you will get inconsistent units. Additionally, even if you did use a number based property (like Revision Sequence) the Revision Schedule doesn't permit the 'Calculate Totals' option - testing in Revit 2015. Lastly, I would tend to agree that this task, even if possible, would not yield useful results.