View Full Version : Printing Issues

Mr Spot
2004-07-06, 01:08 AM
I was wondering if anyone else has had this issue. I've setup an A1 print for A3 reduction by setting zoom to 50% size of the sheet and paper placement set to centre. Set as vector and presentation quality.

All views are located inside the borders of the titleblock yet when you generate a preview the plot isn't centred.

IE: the top edge of the page is cut off. This only happens on some sheets and not others with the same titleblock. So it can't be to do with the titleblock... When you actually print it doesn't come out the same as the preview as well unfortunately. Anyone else had this issue and any ideas on what to do... Really annoying!!!!

Mr Spot
2004-07-06, 01:23 AM
Currently i've just setup an alternate printing option with the page position set to y=-10...

2004-07-06, 01:26 AM
I assume you have the latest driver for your printer ?

Can you print to pdf to see if the problem exists in that format ?

Can you try setting the 50% zoom via the printer's properties rather than Revit's settings ?

A workaround might be to print to A1 using PDF, then print the PDF reduced to A3 on your printer.

I have seen similar problems printing A3 to PDF using the standard A3 sheet. It is fixed if you use a custom sheet and enter the standard A3 sheet sizes.