View Full Version : Formula Help in Schedule

Steve Jager
2007-02-06, 09:24 PM
It seems simple enough, (Area/Occupant factor) + 0.5 sf

Area is in sf
Occupant factor as area gives me the wrong units error and if I leave the formula as is, I have to turn off the units (sf) to get the right answer a number of occupants except it always says 2 sf

2007-02-06, 10:48 PM
1. Make OccupantFactor of type area and assign OccupantFactor = yourNumber * SF
2. Then number of occupants = Area/OccupantFactor + 0.5

Or if you want to do it in one step
NumOccupants = Area / (number * SF) + 0.5

2007-02-06, 11:45 PM
I do what Leonoid stated, and either divide by or multiply by 1SF, to cancel out the units. That way i dont have to turn off the units and have everything be an "area".

Also, is the +.5 to rule out any rounding up errors? If thats the case, theres a simple If statement that can be used to verify if the integer should have one extra added to it. theres a post about this if you search... The reason the +.5 isnt always safe, is .5 will always round one up, and if you use +.49 its only accurate if all areas are to only 2 decimal places...

Steve Jager
2007-02-07, 01:57 PM
Thanks tons!
I knew I was close but not cigar.