View Full Version : Place Sweep on Created Roofs Category

2007-02-07, 12:01 AM
I have a roof I created using the Modelling tab>Create>Roofs>Solid Form>Solid Extrusion. The roof is flat on the lower level and slopes up 4ft to another flat level (I couldn't figure a way to do this with a single roof command). The problem I have is I want to apply a facia sweep to it and it won't let me select this roof. Please assist. Is there another way around?
btw, I am using Revit 9.0

Thanks in advance

2007-02-07, 01:19 AM
I have solved my own roof creation problem.

What I did is I created the sloping roof part first using the roof tool. Then I created a level using the level tool and named it 'stair roof 1' and then clicked on the roof properties and under 'cut level' constraints I selected the level i just created to cut the top end of the roof at that level horizontally. for the bottom end of the sloped roof I selected 'two plumb - cut' under Rafter cut constraints, and then typed in 6" for the 'facia depth' creating a horizontal cut at the bottom.
For the other two flat roofs at the top and bottom of the roof system I used the roof tool (no slope defining) and then joined all three components of the roof sytem.
Finally I can now attach the facia sweep to my roof.
