View Full Version : Elevation does not reflect changes

2007-02-07, 04:03 PM
I've made some changes to my north facade, working on the floor plan. When I switched to view the changes I've done on the north elevation, the changes did not show up at all. They did show up on the east and west elevation though.

I ended up deleting the north elevation tag and placing a new one, that did the trick.

Still - what was going on with my 'old' north elevation tag?


Justin Marchiel
2007-02-07, 04:08 PM
hard to say. are you using things like phases? i could see if the elevation was set to exisiting and you made changes to the new, they would not show up.

That does seem kind of weird.


2007-02-07, 04:26 PM
I am using phases and I did consider that being the problem, but I copied an element that did show up on the north elevation, thinking that a copy of an element that already shows HAS to show up as well.

When I switched back to the elevation view, the original piece showed up and the copy did not...I'm biting my butt because I did the copying on the floor plan view and not on the elevation view...that might have cleared up things.

Justin Marchiel
2007-02-07, 04:42 PM
well with phase, if you are in a new phase and copy and existing item if will go to the new phase. that would explain that the copying error


2007-02-07, 05:02 PM
I kind of doubt it - I only have two phases [existing and new construction], and all views are set to new construction and so is the element I copied.

If it happens again I have to remember to work on the view that is not showing newly made elements. I'll post the new findings asap.

Thanks for you help!

Mike Sealander
2007-02-07, 07:05 PM
I think it's a bug.