View Full Version : Renaming of import symbols broken?

2007-02-07, 07:28 PM
When I link a set of 2D construction details into revit, each is assigned an import symbol name, titled after the original dwg file name. Great. the import symbol name matches the dwg file name. The problem is if you move the linked detail symbol on the sheet, it should be renamed accordingly to allow other users to know what dwg file is linked to that detail so they can go work with it. Problematically, if you change the name of that import symbol (because you are moving it on a sheet to a new position) then the list of import symbol names in the view graphics dialogue box does not update. You therefore lose the ability to alter the linked layers unless you happen to remember the original import symbol name. Is this a bug?

Hopefully, I am simply doing something wrong here. (This is my office's pilot project!), If not, it seems you have no flexibility with sheet placement of linked detail dwg's. You would have to delete the linked import symbol, rename the dwg, and then re import the detail, simply to move the detail on the sheet.

Is this what others are doing? Any help out there?


2007-02-07, 07:35 PM
A question...In what kind of view are you linking these details to(floor plan, ceiling plan, legend, drafting view or on the sheet)

2007-02-07, 07:42 PM
I am linking construction details (one detail per dwg) into detail call-out views.

I am not using drafting views as they seem too disassociated from the model. Instead I am placing a white fill behind the import symbol, that I can move out of the way to verify that the model does not grievously differ from the 2D dwg detailing. This is a bit of a workaround, but I have a number of details that were already drawn, that I do not want to rebuild in Revit natively.

2007-02-07, 07:46 PM
Try exploding them once you import them then you can work on them in Revit if you need to make adjustments

2007-02-07, 07:58 PM
I do not want to explode them, as part of my team is not adequately trained in revit (The one who drew many of the pre-existing details!) The idea of linking the details seems to promise that when I suddenly get a team member who is not revit trained, they can still be effective producers of work in Autocad.

The real snafu here is that when you rename an import symbol, the view graphics dialogue window does not seem to notice/refresh, thereby not allowing control over their view graphics, which is essential.

2007-02-07, 08:06 PM
I am linking construction details (one detail per dwg) into detail call-out views.

I am not using drafting views as they seem too disassociated from the model. Instead I am placing a white fill behind the import symbol, that I can move out of the way to verify that the model does not grievously differ from the 2D dwg detailing. This is a bit of a workaround, but I have a number of details that were already drawn, that I do not want to rebuild in Revit natively.
No. No. Using the model view is ok. However - the view has a property called "Display Model". Just use that to turn on and off the Revit 3D.

AutoCAD imports become "families" or objects - not files. They are in no way linked to your view name. This would be impossible since one view could contain dozens of AutoCAD imports. You'll need to manage the location and editing manualy.

Or as mentioned - slowly convert those that need editing over to Revit objects with an explode.

2007-02-07, 09:07 PM
Thanks, for the display model tip! I never noticed that particular option. That will save me some grief.

I am not sure I am following the second part of your post though. I will try to give you a better example of what I am experiencing.

I link dwg "A100/1.dwg" and place it on a detail callout view that I name "A100/1" This is then placed on my printsheet in position 1. This set-up allows people unfamiliar with the project to locate the dwg that needs to be edited/updated.

A week later I discover that I need to move that particular detail to position 2 on my printsheet. I rename the dwg "A100/2", rename the view "A100/2", & move that view to position 2 on my printsheet. I then manage the link to "connect the dots."

The problem is that at the time of the original link, Revit assigned an import symbol name based on the dwg name and assigns that name in the view graphics dialogue box-imported categories tab. In this example, "A100/1" This is initially great, because I know what name to look for in the view graphics window, so I can control its visibility settings. But when I re-load/re-path the link, the import symbol name in the view dialogue box-imported categories tab does not change accordingly.

I can, as you mentioned, manually rename the import symbol to now be "A100/2", but the view graphics window does not reflect that renaming. So to control the visibility of the linked graphics I need to remember that it was originally called A100/1.

To eliminate this problem, are you completely severing a link & re-linking every time a detail moves on a sheet?


2007-02-07, 10:59 PM

I find the same thing happening. File > Manage Links displays the new file name but the object styles and the symbol name do not. This looks like a bug to me, they should match. I tried a number of things to give Revit a chance to update but nothing helped, short of removing and re-importing the file. You should submit a support request to let them know what you are encountering.

2007-02-08, 05:17 AM
Back in September I filed this one with Support too. I've even experienced situations where some linked dwg was removed and doesn't show up in the Manage Links dialog, yet it shows up in the visibility/graphics window. And yes, if you change the dwg filename and you do a Reloda From, the filename will update in the Manage Links dialog, but not in Visibility/Graphics.

The Support Request seems to have gone dormant with no definite replies, so I'm trying to revive it and we'll see what happens.

UPDATE: Heard back from Support:

Our development team has tentatively scheduled to deliver a fix in:

The next major release of Revit Building. The specific release date is unknown, so please use the timing of previous release cycles as a guideline.

Please note: Our quality assurance teams may need to reschedule some fixes. Please rely on the above timeline information as a guideline only and not a guarantee. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.