View Full Version : Section marker Visiblity

2007-02-07, 11:36 PM
How does one control the visibility of section markers on a sheet?
I have number of section markers on the plan, not all of it are presentation sheet drawings and some are cut for setting out and working purposes. can i apply a filter to automatically switch off the 'working' setout markers?

currently i find having to manually "hiding" and showing individual markers a bit tedious.


2007-02-08, 03:49 AM
There is an option in the print dialogue to not print unreferenced view tags. This is the easiest way.

If you have views on sheets, however, the best way to get around this is to set all of your 'working views' to only show at a scale less than your floor plans - ie floor plans are 1-100, set view to only show at 1-50.

Another way, slightly combersome and fairly tricky method is to use phasing to filter out the section tags.

For elevations, my favourite method is to set up an option set with options for each type of elevation ie main bdg, precast, internal etc. You can place the elevation tags into an option set and toggle individual plan views to the desired option.

Otherwise, you're just stuck with turning off individual section / elevation tags. Annoying, i know.

2007-02-08, 05:36 AM
thanks mibzim,
will give em' a go.

which firm are you working in by the way?

2007-02-28, 12:49 AM
For elevations, my favourite method is to set up an option set with options for each type of elevation ie main bdg, precast, internal etc. You can place the elevation tags into an option set and toggle individual plan views to the desired option.

How do you get elevation tags into an option set? When I try it Revit does not allow me to add section or elevation markers into option sets (v9.0).

2007-02-28, 03:45 AM
Aaahhh... you almost fooled me there! I couldn't remember for a second, but you need to click the properties of the tag and choose which options to show the tag in. Basically the same as adding it to an option but not quite. Can't do this with sections though.

2007-04-03, 03:42 PM
Aaahhh... you almost fooled me there! I couldn't remember for a second, but you need to click the properties of the tag and choose which options to show the tag in. Basically the same as adding it to an option but not quite. Can't do this with sections though.
Is there a reason that you can't "add" a section marker to an option? This I have often pondered...