View Full Version : Leader passing thru text box??

Adam Mac
2007-02-08, 07:10 AM
Has anyone had this problem before (see attached)?

When i attempt to drag the leader over to the left, so that it starts at the
left-hand SIDE of the text, it jumps back up to the top (as shown),
or if i fiddle with it some more, it jumps down to the botom of the box
but never to the sides......??

All the other text seems OK.


2007-02-08, 07:33 AM
Hi Adam,

I suggest to delete the existing leader and then Add a new Leader.

2007-02-08, 08:16 PM
..........and making sure the leader is the one that points to the left in the first place.

The only time I can remember having the same problem is when the leader pointed in the opposite direction and I dragged it all the way over to the other side.

2007-02-08, 08:20 PM
I see that when I have split my crop regions and the text falls in the DMZ. I usually end up either creating two views in the sheet in horrible situations or just play with it to make it sit in the one view. Worse case, annotation on the sheet as last resort.

Adam Mac
2007-02-08, 11:09 PM
I see that when I have split my crop regions and the text falls in the DMZ.That's the problem!

Thanks for all your replies - every little bit helps - but i have split the crop regions
and was suspecting that to be the culprit.

Appreciate the reponses. :)