View Full Version : Shared parameters in a window family not showing up...

2003-06-25, 11:16 PM
There is something I am missing.

I created a window family from the window template and a type catalog. When I created the family, there were default fields for Manufacturer, Rought Width, and Rough Height.

The type catalog I created has info for Manufacturer, Material, Type, Width, Height, Rough Width, and Rough Height.

I created a shared parameter file to enable the Material and Type parameters.

When I load the family, I get an error "The parameter Manufacturer doesn't exist in the Family. It will be ingnored." Also, when I look at the type properties for a window, the Rough Width and Rough Height fields have no information.

What am I missing?

Window families are posted in the families forum.


Vincent Valentijn
2003-07-03, 07:31 AM
I think you might just have run into Revit's -case sensitivity- Just check your type catalog and the family-parameters