View Full Version : Gallery Portal Page.

2004-07-06, 10:08 PM
If you've reached the Gallery forum through the master list of all AUGI forums, then you may have missed the new featured image and other news and information on the Gallery portal page (http://www.augi.com/revit.gallery/default.asp)!

New information will be posted regularly on the portal page and some exciting new features are planned for the Gallery soon.

New info has been posted for July 2004

2004-08-22, 02:14 AM
In case you missed it, the Gallery Portal page has been updated for August and now contains the current featured image.

Check it out ! (http://www.augi.com/revit.gallery/default.asp)

2004-09-02, 10:09 PM
You guessed it ! The Gallery portal page has been updated again ! ( This is getting to be a habit. )

Try not to be offset by the photo of the Gallery Manager, he's harmless really.

Go to the Portal Page. (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=373)

2004-10-07, 10:28 PM
Sorry I'm a little late posting the Gallery Portal page this month ( but you should have seen the traffic on the way in here this morning, ... honest.. )

If you haven't stopped by the Gallery recently, you missed some super rendering techniques and examples.

The Gallery Portal (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=373)will point you in the right direction.


2004-11-01, 10:15 PM
Well - yet another new month - and yet another new ... Gallery Portal page (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=373).

Check out the featured image - a little project whipped up in Revit.

2004-12-08, 10:18 PM
I'm reliably informed that December is here, and that being the case, a fresh Gallery Portal page has been posted.

Grab a box of popcorn and take your seat, the show begins >HERE> (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=373)

2004-12-21, 10:20 PM
Those gallery elves have been at it again.

They've posted a new GALLERY PORTAL PAGE (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=373).

Let me take this opportunity to wish evreyone a Happy and Safe Hoilday season.

2005-01-03, 10:29 PM
There's a new Gallery Portal Page (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=373) posted, the first for 2005 !

Check out all the other portal pages , new for '05 also.

2005-02-02, 08:00 AM
The FEBRUARY GALLERY PORTALT PAGE (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=373)is up and patiently waiting for your visit.

Call by , anytime, we'd love to see you.

2005-03-01, 03:01 AM
There's a shiny new Gallery Portal Page for March (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=373)posted now.

2005-04-06, 07:20 AM
I suppose you all foolishly thought there was no new Gallery Portal Page (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=373)for April !!

Well, wrong you are. :Puffy:

2005-05-02, 10:58 PM
You guessed it - there's a new Gallery Portal Page posted (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=373).

This month we're looking at settings using Revit's Accurender.

If enough people think this is is of interest, we could continue the discussion within the Rendering forums. Let me know if you want to do that.

2005-06-02, 01:38 AM
June 05 = New Month = New Gallery Page. (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=373) makes sense.

2005-07-03, 10:11 PM
One for all you trainspotters this month (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=373). :D

2005-08-06, 01:33 AM
This month's Gallery Page features Henry D's famous half house (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=373).

It's perfect for those client's that just don't have enough budget !

2005-09-03, 11:19 PM
Those snowboard fanatics bemoaning the demise of winter in the southern hemisphere, have a solution in this month's Gallery Page (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=373), - get a house designed by Taylor Osborne and practice all year round ! :smile:

2005-10-05, 08:35 AM
Conceptual rendering techniques are the theme of this Month's Gallery page (http://www.augi.com/revit/default.asp?page=373).

Reviting Reading !