View Full Version : Formula Annoyances: Inconsistent Units, Etc.

2007-02-13, 07:38 PM
Hi all -

I'm still quite new to using schedules in Revit, and am having a beastly time creating a schedule for calculating required number of fixtures in bathrooms.

My schedule is based on net square footage from rooms. I've got the following fields: Level and Department (both used to sort out things I don't want), Area, Occupancy Load (an instance parameter, type = area, that is entered for each level - in this case, all of them at 50 SF), Occupants (calc. value, type is number, Formula is Area / Occupancy Load), and Half Occupants (calc. value, type is integer, Formula is Occupants / 2).

The schedule is giving me *insane* numbers. literally. Like this:

"Bathroom Calc" "" "" "" ""
"Level" "Area" "Occupancy Load" "Occupants" "Half Occupants"
"Level 1" "11575 SF" "50 SF" "231.49569" "116"
"Level 2" "11629 SF" "50 SF" "232.582293" "102"
"Level 3" "11043 SF" "50 SF" "220.860526" "94"
"Level 4" "9632 SF" "50 SF" "192.649297" "87"
"" "43879 SF" "" "877.587807" "399"

Occupants is fine - but Half Occupants is doing wacky things with the numbers, and I have no idea why. Both Occupants and Half Occupants have "Calculate Totals" checked under the Formatting Tab.

Once I get past that hurdle, I just want to divide half occupants by 40 and by 30 to get fixture counts for men and women, respectively.

Help, please!!

Thanks to everyone, as always.


2007-02-13, 10:52 PM
If the project is small enough, would you mind posting? Might be easier to figure out what is happening after seeing what you have done so far. Thanks.

2007-02-13, 11:57 PM
Here's the schedule by itself, without any of the project data.

Any help would be most appreciated!


2007-02-14, 12:14 AM
Okay - figured a workaround. I'm still having problems with integers and rounding, so I did this instead - used numbers, and set the field format to round to 1 decimal place. How would others do this with integers and the .5 rounding trick that I've seen in other posts?


Tom Dorner
2007-02-14, 08:44 PM
The problem with trying to round the values to integers on each space/room occupancy calculation is that you will get an incorrect result for the grand total. This holds true if you are using Excel or Revit. In Excel there is a roundup() function which you can use only on the grand total to take any fraction above a whole number up to the next highest integer. Revit has no such functionality, so I choose to not try and perform rounding in Revit occupancy schedules. I have to simply look at the grand total and do the 'roundup()' in my head.