View Full Version : Schematic Design, Area Plans, and Floor Plans

2007-02-14, 06:37 PM
Hey Folks. I've been thinking through the Schematic Design Process in REVIT and have been particularly excited about the power of the key schedules for ROOMS. I've found that we can generate our programs from client discussions with the use of the room key, and then quickly start creating scheduleable options by assiging modeled rooms to the key values. Our office tends to have some highly complex programs, so it's exciting to be able to start managing that information in schedule form in Revit before we even start the process of design.

However, I've seen several posts about area plans being used in a similar way, where people suggest using them for initial schematic design. The disadvantage that I see is that areas are independent of Rooms. Meaning that any parametric information one assigns to an AREA cannot be assigned to a corresponding ROOM.

Ideally, we would be able to generate colored area plans whose color fill schemes extracted ROOM information. I was thoroughly disappointed that departments or other parameters of rooms could not be quickly used to generate an area plan. I see the point of making them independent, however, it would be really nice if they could communicate at some point with each other.

In the end, I think we would rather have the ability to use our program information in ROOMS from the beinning through the end, rather than have to duplicate information by switching from AREA plans to normal FLOOR plans.

Anybody else have any thoughts on this subject?

2007-02-14, 06:51 PM
Rooms are always net. Areas can be gross. Rooms cannot overlap. Areas can be sliced and diced just about anyway you want using several different area plans.