View Full Version : Room Tag Display

2007-02-14, 07:39 PM
Why am I seeing room tags from other floor plans on my current view. I am not only seeing it, but I am also able to select it and modify or delete it! Is there a way to turn this function off ?

Scott Womack
2007-02-14, 09:23 PM
This has to do with one of several possibililities.
1) The height of your rooms/ceiling is higher than the floor to floor height of your model.
2) The Floor objects are turned off in the upper floors
3) The lower floor is being shown as an underlay to the upper floor

Try looking at these to see if this solves your issue.

Justin Marchiel
2007-02-14, 09:54 PM
tags dont show when used as underlays. i would guess that somehow the rooms and tags where copied to the floor above. Try scheduling the rooms with the levels and see if there are any duplicates.

I can't see any reason why you would see tags from the floor below.


2007-02-14, 10:33 PM
I am sorry, its not the room tag but the room boundary (the rectangle with the cross) that highlights on other floors, when you move the cursor around that has been bothering me!

Justin Marchiel
2007-02-14, 10:56 PM
then it seems (like the post above mentions) that your rooms are taller then your actual room boundary (ie if you floor level is 10', your room is actually 15' high). if you change the height back down, it wont appear on the floors above.

and if you want, under visiblilty, if you expands rooms, you can turn off the boundaries.


2007-02-15, 09:39 PM
The Limit offset for the room boundary is 8' while the floor to floor height is 14'10". So I don't think that is the problem !

Justin Marchiel
2007-02-15, 10:41 PM
if you delete the tag does it disappear on the floor below, or just the floor that you are on?


2007-02-16, 05:21 PM
Just the floor I am on!
On some floors I can actually pick the room boundary on multiple levels and when I pick the room tag tab, it highlights the room boundaries on multiple floors, at the same time !

Justin Marchiel
2007-02-16, 05:35 PM
can you post the file? To me it seems that the room tag was pasted to the other floors. If you can post the file it would be easier to diagnose.



2007-02-16, 10:07 PM
I have attached a jpg. of the 4th floor plan.
When the room tag is picked on the left, room boundaries from multiple levels are highlighted!

2007-02-16, 10:16 PM
From the sound of it, we've had kind of similar problem with room boundaries before. One thing that's helped us monitor that is to create a room schedule and call it a "room list", then we add all the parameters that deal with the boundary (perimeter, area, top level, base level, etc). That way you can always see if a room is not longer enclosed, or if any of the boundaries are out of whack. That is of course if you watch it closely and actually pay attention to it. We just had an issue with a corrupted file and none of the rooms were enclosed, but nobody noticed for a week. Having just one schedule to check back to every once in a while lets you know if everything is nice and tidy still.

2007-02-16, 10:44 PM
But right now I am also having a problem with associating room tags with the levels. A room tag at level 5 is coming in with a room no. of 205 and so on. I think the two problems might be inter connected or am I missing out on a basic function!