View Full Version : Does anyone know the BS recommended text sizes or where to find them (from A4 to A0)?

2007-02-15, 09:20 AM
Does anyone know the BS recommended text sizes or where to find them (from A4 to A0)?

Regards and thanks.

2007-02-15, 12:01 PM
Does anyone know the BS recommended text sizes or where to find them (from A4 to A0)?

Regards and thanks.
G'day derekwestwood,

please advise us of your particular program your using, so I can move this question to the appropriate forum.

Many thanks

2007-02-15, 12:12 PM
Does anyone know the BS recommended text sizes or where to find them (from A4 to A0)?

Regards and thanks.I can't remember what the BS is now but we use the same sizes that was standard in hand drawings. Which were:

1.8mm (we don't tend to use this size as its a bit small)
2.5mm (we use for general notes/text)
3.5mm (we use for subtitles/room names etc)
5mm (we use for drawing titles).

Also we use century gothic as our standard font, you will notice that different fonts (especially ttf) will look different in height from one to another despite having the same height value.

2007-02-17, 05:04 PM
Hi "derekwestwood"

Please note I have *moved* this thread from the Local Chapters - General (http://forums.augi.com/forumdisplay.php?f=37) forum to this one, as I feel this particular forum is a more appropriate place for such a topic.

Thanks, Mike

Forum Manager

2007-02-18, 12:04 PM

2007-02-18, 12:51 PM
BTW, in theory, paper size has no effect on text size.