View Full Version : Labels in my Titleblock?

2007-02-15, 07:13 PM
I need some assistance with my lack of understnading why my labels are un-editable after I insert my title block into a project. CAN ANYONE ADVISE?

2007-02-15, 07:59 PM
Under settings, edit the program information. The labels should update automatically.

2007-02-15, 08:53 PM
If the labels are to shared parameters, and you have not loaded the shared parameters in to the PROJECT yet, you will not be able to click the labels and edit them.

If thats the problem, simply go to settings > project parameters, and add whatever shared parameters you have in your titleblock. That should fix it...

2007-03-02, 12:39 AM
If the labels are to shared parameters, and you have not loaded the shared parameters in to the PROJECT yet, you will not be able to click the labels and edit them.

If thats the problem, simply go to settings > project parameters, and add whatever shared parameters you have in your titleblock. That should fix it...

I have done this. But why do the labels show up in my project as question mark instead of the value i.e. the parameter is Phase and the value I would like it to show is PH.

Also, when I go to select the catagory, only when i check instance does the drawing sheets catagory show up, but if i want it to be a type parameter, the drawing sheets catagory isn't there.

2007-03-02, 02:29 AM
The labels show up as question marks because the label is of a parameter that is a property of the SHEET, in the project. I am pretty sure that by default, you cannot have a "type" parameter for a sheet... Thats why the catagory only shows up when youre under instance parameter.

What i do, when i want to change the issued date on 30 sheets at once... Is i just highlight all 30 sheets in the project browser, then hit properties and change the date. Works almost the same way.

Anyway, they are question marks because you need to fill them in still... :)

Hope that helps...

2007-03-02, 02:53 AM
The labels show up as question marks because the label is of a parameter that is a property of the SHEET, in the project. I am pretty sure that by default, you cannot have a "type" parameter for a sheet... Thats why the catagory only shows up when youre under instance parameter.

What i do, when i want to change the issued date on 30 sheets at once... Is i just highlight all 30 sheets in the project browser, then hit properties and change the date. Works almost the same way.

Anyway, they are question marks because you need to fill them in still... :)

Hope that helps...

thanks for the reply/

So can i just have a place holder instead of the question mark? Because with the parameter already in there (i.e. checked by, drawn by, etc) when you place them in the project the actual words are there as place holders.

What if I want the parameter that i made to be like the address label or project name label in the title block. because when you change it in one sheet it will automatically change it for all the sheets. is this possible for me to do that with the labels i created? if so, how do i go about doing that?

2007-03-02, 03:36 AM
I believe (and im writing this at home away from Revit, so excuse me if im wrong...) that when you make the label in the Title Block family, under the labels properties you can set the Default Value, as XXX or PH, or whatever. I may be wrong though.

The other information falls under Project Information, not Project Parameters. Im not 100% certain on this, but i personally dont know of a way to modify the project information (Items like address, project status, etc...). I believe they are system variables...

2007-03-06, 04:36 PM
thanks for the reply/

So can i just have a place holder instead of the question mark? Because with the parameter already in there (i.e. checked by, drawn by, etc) when you place them in the project the actual words are there as place holders.

What if I want the parameter that i made to be like the address label or project name label in the title block. because when you change it in one sheet it will automatically change it for all the sheets. is this possible for me to do that with the labels i created? if so, how do i go about doing that?

So I was able to figure out my questions...kind of.

To have the label you created in the family show up in the project as a "type" you would have to add the shared parameter and pick as the category Project Information. If you would like to have the label you created as "instance" you would pick the category Drawing sheet.

Our reseller support informed that if you want words as place holder you would have to do so in the project template file. I didn't go through that exercise since what I was doing was very project specific. So questions mark will have to do.