View Full Version : mullions not centered between curtain wall

2007-02-15, 07:26 PM
how do i center the mullions in between the curtain grid, whenever i insert the mullions, they are offset from the center of the curtain wall

2007-02-15, 07:29 PM
Look at the properties of the mullion.

2007-02-15, 08:01 PM
i did, but it only asks if it is parallel or perpendicular to the ground - this still does not place the mullion in the MIDDLE of the curtain wall - it has it positioned at the end of the mullion

2007-02-15, 08:04 PM
Since the mullion is "attach" a gridline. It,s that grid line that needs to be in the middle. TAB to select it and use temporary dimension to place it in the middle

2007-02-15, 08:17 PM
the gridline is centered, however, the panels are not - i am trying to center the panels within the mullions

2007-02-15, 08:37 PM
Can you post the file or an image to illustrate the problem ?

2007-02-15, 08:45 PM
not really. but put it this way, when you draw a typicall mullion and glass in plan (5"), you would see a mullion with a 1" glass in between it on each side. i am not able to position the mullion so that it is directly centered on the glass. what is the process of doing this? i appreciate your help

2007-02-15, 08:49 PM
also, how do you insert a curtain wall door, without changing the glass panel to a wall first?

2007-02-15, 09:11 PM
Can you simply post a screenshot. hit the print screen button of your keyboard and paste in Words. add comment and post

2007-02-15, 09:11 PM
Can you simply post a screenshot. hit the print screen button of your keyboard and paste in Words. add comment and post
You need to load a curtain wall family and simply replace the panel with that family. You can find some OOTB in the door family folder

Tom Dorner
2007-02-15, 10:00 PM
I think what you are meaning to explain is that the glazing is not centered in the wall and thus centered in the mullion depth. Out of the box Revit assignes a 1" offset to the system panel which is the parameter that controls the glazing offset from the CL of the curtain wall.

The way to remedy this is to select a panel, duplicate it and make a new type that has an offset of 0". I also make a new type of curtain wall 'wall' that is named centered panel to help out myself.


2007-02-15, 10:01 PM
ok, here you go

Justin Marchiel
2007-02-15, 10:42 PM
also, how do you insert a curtain wall door, without changing the glass panel to a wall first?

there are lots of thread here talking about this subject. search for it and you should find the answers.


2007-02-15, 11:33 PM
where can i load a curtain wall family from, i only have curtain wall panels in my imperial folder?

2007-02-15, 11:56 PM
There is no such family. Curtain wall are system family. Only mullions and panel can be created in rfa file.

2007-02-16, 12:00 AM
Here is a file that explain element properties for CW

2007-02-16, 04:50 PM
Try checking the profile of the particular mullion type you're using. The base point of that mullion profile might be on the edge instead of in the center. In a project we're working on, we have some butt glazed mullions that we created that way so they'd be on the inside of the glass. I'm assuming you have at least a couple different mullion types loaded into your project, check and see if the other types do the same thing.