View Full Version : brick pavers floor pattern

2007-02-15, 11:38 PM
where can i find a floor pattern that is brick pavers, or for that matter, where can i find patterns that can be applied to floors besides the default ones in the floor properties?

2007-02-15, 11:43 PM
The typical .pat files used in ACAD can be imported into Revit - just check the first few lines have the correct text in there for model or detail fill patterns. Go to setting - fill patterns, or edit the floor properties till you get to the fill pattern used and import a custom .pat file.

Try revit city and do a search here, there are heaps of posts on this subject. You can even create you own fill pattern (albeit with some difficulty it seems).

2007-02-17, 02:33 PM
Links to CAD hatch pattern sources:


Hugh Adamson
Cadro Pty Ltd
www.cadro.com.au (http://www.cadro.com.au/)