View Full Version : Wall Join not wanted

2004-07-07, 05:24 PM
I have two walls that I do not want to have join although they touch. One is a brick wall and the other is an EIFS wall that overlays it. When the two walls touch, I do not want the stud structure of the EIFS wall to penetrate the brick of the brick wall to join with the brick wall's stud.

I've changed the Function of the layers but the studs seem to ignore this - perhaps becasue they are within the core structure?

I've also tried to edit the wall join but the intersection is not recognised - a large square is drawn around the intection but when you click to accept it, no options are available. Under what circumstances are intesections not recognised?

2004-07-07, 06:12 PM
Try this.

Pull the walls apart, go to the edit wall joins tool. Highlight the wall end that's going to join the other wall (box appears). On the bar above the screen, choose "disallow join". The drag the wall back to butt the other.

2004-07-07, 07:15 PM
Thanks - that worked.

Wes Macaulay
2004-07-07, 07:57 PM
Many thanks to Scott Brown for the tip on pulling a wall out of a join, disallowing that wall end to join, and then pulling it back into the join. That is probably the best tip I've had in the last six months...

2004-07-07, 07:59 PM
No problem, I found it by accident one day myself.

2004-07-07, 08:04 PM
The man should be given a medal! Top tip!

Scott D Davis
2004-07-07, 08:19 PM
Well...my work for August Tips and Tricks is done! :lol: