View Full Version : Roof Bearing?

2004-07-07, 06:32 PM
I want a roof which bears on the walls at the bottom chord of the truss. Currently,
when I draw a roof on the Roof Brg. level ( which is also top of wall) - the overhang
goes below the top of wall. I want it to run straight out like a pure triangle.

I wish Revit would show the options graphically like - shall I say ADT and Archicad -
in an options box. Or am I missing a place to choose these options? Not very architect
friendly but machinelike in my opinion.:banghead:

I'm getting frustrating with things being burried in menus and obscure settings.


2004-07-07, 07:04 PM
Pick on the roof, click properties and chose truss or rafter.

2004-07-07, 07:12 PM
I did that but it still does not affect the bottom of the overhang soffit. It should be at the top of wall. I have the bottom constraint set to Level - Roof Brg. (top of wall). So, the overhang still extends below the top of wall, which is not what I want.


2004-07-07, 07:44 PM
I understand now, what I do is create 2 roofs, one is the bot chord and it is flat and its construction is usually 1 layer 5/8" gyp. on the bot of a 3 1/2" stud or 5 1/2" depending on span. then create your top chord(which you really allready have and move it into place in section. it will move up and down now in relation to the top of wall(plate height level) Theres no dialog boxes or anything, just in section move it up as need. you can then join these two roofs together and have nice clean sections.

2004-07-07, 09:50 PM
I just got through watching a live Revit online roof seminar. It was really helpful and I suggest these to anyone. You will find the schedule at Autodesk/Revit/Training.

I solved the problem by using an offset value in the edit roof properties box. I'm not sure if this is the best procedure. I think what we are missing is the proper procedures in Revit. There just hasn't been enough training material to cover real life situations.

Now things will improve since more books are starting to come out. Autdesk just released the first book on Revit!:shock:

Paul P.
2004-07-08, 11:03 AM
Aquav, you said,"Autdesk just released the first book on Revit", is this the "Introduction and Implementing Autodesk Revit" book. If so do you have a link to it because all I can find is the 5.5 version.

Regard's, Paul.

2004-07-08, 01:53 PM
Paul, I think they removed the version number from the title. They have an old
shot of the cover saying 5.5 but the decription title does not include version.

Introducing and Implementing Autodesk® Revit®

Print-friendly version of this page (http://www.delmarlearning.com/Browse_CatalogDetail_Print.aspx?isbn=1401850499&XXID=11963)Book w/Multimedia (CD, DVD or Electronic)</B>
First Edition
Author: Lay Christopher Fox; James J. Balding (http://javascript<b></b>:void(window.open('dl_show_authorbio.asp?ISBN=1401850499','AuthorBio','scrollbars=yes, toolbar=0, resizable=yes, width=400, height=300')))
ISBN#: 1401850499
Published: 6/29/2004
© 2005
</B>Published by Autodesk Press
List Price: $49.95


Scott D Davis
2004-07-08, 11:20 PM
This is the new 6.1 book! I was waiting for JB to make an official announcement, but he has yet to do so.

2004-07-09, 12:04 AM
This is the new 6.1 book! I was waiting for JB to make an official announcement, but he has yet to do so.

Yeah, I have been buried. I will post a blurb soon. Just so you know, the book was originally planned for 5.0/5.5, written for 5.5/6.0 and updated for 6.1. The title is now simply "Introducing and Implementing Autodesk Revit".

Paul P.
2004-07-09, 07:28 AM
So has it actually been released yet because the date I've been told is different.

Regard's, Paul.

2004-07-09, 07:57 AM
So has it actually been released yet because the date I've been told is different.

Regard's, Paul.
Don't know when it'll come but I just ordered it here on International Catalogue for UK

Paul P.
2004-07-09, 08:59 AM
Thank's Rhys, I think I'll do the same.
