View Full Version : dimension style question?

2007-02-16, 06:28 PM
I was wondering if anyone knows if you can have a dimension style that would display both the metric and imperial numbers on the same dimension string like you can in autocad? Is there any way that you can create your own dimension style to incorporate this?

Justin Marchiel
2007-02-16, 06:31 PM
i dont believe that this is possible. you could create a new dimension style that reads only metric, and have both, but i understand the limitaions of this and obviously it is not the ideal situation.


2007-02-16, 06:54 PM
When will we have this feature available? If it's available in autocad should it not be available in Revit? This is very important to me as my boss makes me stay late for no good reason at all, and is sometimes physically abusive :(

Justin Marchiel
2007-02-16, 07:31 PM
well just because it is in acad, doesn't mean that it will be in REVIT. if you have an idea or a feature that you would like to see in the next release go to the widh list section and place it there. you never know, if the developers get enough interrest in a topic they might add it.

As for the abuse....I think it is time you moved on! Now get back to work!
