View Full Version : Catagory visibility whishes.

2007-02-19, 12:13 PM
Any way of hiding unused categories in the Visibility dialogue box. Its such a nuisance scrolling through there trying to locate the correct category. And what about an ACAD Express Tools equivalent to easily switch off categories by selecting them on screen?

2007-02-19, 02:21 PM
Any way of hiding unused categories in the Visibility dialogue box. Its such a nuisance scrolling through there trying to locate the correct category. And what about an ACAD Express Tools equivalent to easily switch off categories by selecting them on screen?
No - but don't scroll - just hit the first letter of the category you want. You'll be very close then.

2007-02-19, 02:32 PM
Hey there,
There was a link here on AUGI that showed some of the new 10 features. One of them is (if I understood it correctly) an improvement to the visibility feature (sunglass icon). The way it read to me was that you would now have control over what you see on the screen and that it would carry through to printing and saving it the way you want. I think it was called "improved visibility graphics control".
Here is the quote:
Graphical Overrides
Graphic overrides provide an ability to modify the graphic representation for a single element, thereby offering additional options for how elements appear in views. Graphic overrides also provide a visual method for hiding or revealing single elements or groups of elements by view. Settings are visually retained from session to session, reducing setup time in anticipation of plotting and printing.
Here's to hoping

2007-02-19, 03:11 PM
Check out some of the new features list at this Mike Massey's blog.


It discusses some of the changes to graphical overrides in the upcoming release of Revit.

2007-02-19, 03:13 PM
Check out some of the new features list at this Mike Massey's blog.


It discusses some of the changes to graphical overrides in the upcoming release of Revit.
Which will be a draftsman's dream, but a CAD manager's nightmare...