View Full Version : Grid Control on Different Elevations & Sections

2007-02-20, 03:24 AM
Is there a way to control grid line extends? I want to shorten the grids on my enlarged building sections bringing it closer to the roof line but the problem is it also affects the grids on the building exterior elevations.
Is there a way to avoid this?

Thanks in advance

Adam Mac
2007-02-20, 04:19 AM
One quick, easy way is to use the extents of your crop region to dictate if the changes are made in 3D (thru-out the project) or in 2D. If you drag your crop regions so that they actually cross your grid lines, you will notice the grids become 2D entities!

Scott D Davis
2007-02-20, 06:24 AM
Switch the grids from 3D to 2D by clicking the 3d symbol near the control points on the grids. 3D grids are just like model elements: they must be 'cut' by sections, plans, elevations etc to show in those views. 2D grids can be adjusted for the current vie only, not affecting other views.

2007-11-07, 01:02 PM
Having problems controlling 2d grids - the grid lines in the project were stable and not troublesome until we started to turn them into 2d for sections and details etc. Now they move out of position when the view is closed and are sometimes unmanageable - in fact they are unstable - in plan views. Pinning etc does not stop the reoccurrence of the event - which happens in any view in what appears to be a random pattern - but it may well be that I have not picked up what actions are taken before the events occur.
Had a similar problem with a project in a previous release but nothing since! Is there something that enables/creates grid conflicts?
Thank you for any assistance in advance.