View Full Version : Door Schedules

2004-07-08, 11:46 AM
I am working on a multifamily project w/ 4 unit types. I made each door type & size the same number or mark. I have one door that in the schedule does not show the width of the door; 5'-0" bi-fold 4 panel. When I try to input the width, I get an error. Any thoughts?

2004-07-08, 09:44 PM
Your schedule has only one door? If you have different size doors, that may explain the blank entry for width. Just a guess.

2004-07-08, 09:50 PM
Sorting or grouping can "remove" or "hide" values when your sort/group has combined similar items but each have different values for that field. Check to see if your check box for "itemize every instances" is unchecked or not (sorting/grouping tab)

2004-07-09, 11:24 AM
I fixed my problem. I used groups and some of my groups that I copied had a different mark. Thanks for the reply.