View Full Version : Managing Alignments

2004-07-08, 03:06 PM
I am working on a house that has a main rectangular body with two wings on each side. The back walls are all flush. (the front walls of the two wings are set back). When I first started the project I aligned the faces of the rear wing walls with the face of the main body. Now no matter what I do I can't move the rear wing wall back without the main body also moving with it.

I have tried detach and everything I know. The problem is there are no visual indicators showing that alignment conditions are applied. I think this is one for the wish list??


2004-07-08, 03:31 PM
revit will automatically align walls close to each other or on center with each other even if you dont want it to. I have found no way to avoid this, so you have to use the move disjoin tool in order to move the wall you want to move.

2004-07-08, 03:38 PM
I have tried to detach. Now I have a project that I can't edit because I have forgotten the hierarchy of alignments and attachments.

I think one of Revit's most powerful strengths has become it's most vague weakness without the visual clues. Now I'm stuck, it seems. But, of course, I will figure out a work around. Revit programmers take note!

2004-07-08, 04:40 PM
Not detach, disjoin, when you highlight a wall, click move, then in the options bar choose disjoin, now you can move the wall freely.

2004-07-08, 06:30 PM
I use this probably every 20 minutes in Revit. It would be good to have a hotkey to access it in the middle of the move command like you can with constrain and copy. In fact, I would rather have the hotkey for Copy be remapped to Disjoin. If I want to copy, I use the copy command anyway.

2004-07-08, 08:43 PM
Ahh! Detach - not disjoin. I guess there is always a solution. I'll try not to get so bent out of shape. Anyway, I'm moving beyond my terrible two's - two weeks that is.8)