View Full Version : Custom door/window tag

2007-02-22, 07:37 PM

I've been searching and have been unable to find an answer to this question.

I would like to have a door/window tag that indicates the size of the object. For example, a 3'-0" x 6'-8" door would read "3068". I was able to write a custom "Property Set Definition" with formulas in ADT to get this to work but I can't figure out how (if possible) to do it in Revit 9.1. Any ideas? I would also like it to have a two digit code for the type of door/window if possible. Another example, a 3'-0" x 5'-0" Single Hung window would read "3050 SH".


Matthew Kyle
Denver, CO

2007-02-22, 07:48 PM
You could get it to work with a shared parameter (Text type), and using different family types inside the family... But youd have to enter them in when you made the family types. Otherwise you can get shared parameters to report the length and the height, but im not sure how to get it to display as "3050."

2007-02-22, 08:57 PM
I've tried to use a "Concatenate" function, like in an excel spread sheet... but that didn't work. Is there another way to "add" text strings together?

Henry D
2007-02-22, 09:36 PM
Is this what you are looking for? Check out this thread for a link to a tutorial:

2007-02-22, 09:59 PM
The one part the video left out was to change the suffix of the units to nothing. That will leave off the "" at the end of the label. I often do this with SF calculations because Revit insists some answers be in SF format when I just want a number. Drop the SF and the number displays .

I dropped the " in this tag. It displays the width and height of the window in inches.

2007-02-22, 10:54 PM
The video shows a good technique but does not give you what you are looking for. You can only do this with inches, in which case the reading convention you wish to use would just confuse people, because lets say you have a 3646 window...in feet, meaning 3'-6" by 4'-6" and you use the method shown here including removing the suffix ("), the tag would read 4254, which in most cases, people in the field would interpret this as 4'-2" x 5'-4". So either you're ok with using the method shown in the video and leave the suffix so it doesn't confuse anyone, or you use the previously mentioned method using shared parameters and a field you fill out when creating family types, other than that, you can just let the feet and inches read in the tag and get used to that. Personally, I am a framer and am used to the 3640 method and I too wanted to use this, but I simply switched to having the feet and inches read in the tag (see attached image) and after getting used to it I'm fine with it. I don't know if that helped any, but thought I'd chime in.


2007-02-22, 11:02 PM
I created this tag.

2007-02-26, 07:46 PM

Please forgive my ignorance but how to you get all your parameters to populate? I assume you need to modify the window family. I'm trying to dig though the shared parameters but have run into a few road blocks.
