View Full Version : managing unreferenced view tags

2007-02-23, 01:53 AM
Aloha gang,
Is there a way to list all the views that did not make it onto a sheet? For instance, if an architect wanted to see specific sections, elevations, and/or details in a project, then redlined it (on paper) for an intern, is there an easy way he/she can list all the ones that did/did not make it onto sheets?
thank you,

2007-02-23, 03:25 AM
There should be a browser organization scheme for views not on sheets. Click the top of the project browser and look at the pull down for veiws not on sheets.

2007-02-23, 12:35 PM
Select the top level and pick not on sheets

2007-02-23, 01:59 PM
We use a section symbol/type called "design Sections". This has simply a flag on each end rather than a callout arrow. This way we can also group those views which will not go on a sheet and are for design assistance only. Otherwise when we looked at the list of "Not on Sheets" we would still not be able to tell which ones were real sections not placed and which were just there are tools.

We also have a rule in the office: If you make a view - you have to place it on a sheet, name it in the browser properly and also fill out the "Name on Sheet" field all at the same time - and most importantly - apply a view template.

2007-03-22, 12:06 AM
Aaron - I like your rule. Unfortunately I'm usually the worst offender. I'd love a way to print the browser out so that we could manage it on paper. I'd also like some kind of feedback tool that told us what was on sheets and what wasn't. We're doing things twice because the detail is there and we can't find it, or somebody didn't put it on a sheet, etc. Part of that is a lack of organization and newness to Revit - some of it is working less on paper - not starting with hand-drafted details on sheets that force things to happen in a certain way.

The sorting by "not on sheets" is useful, but it still involves opening and closing a lot of views, and since you don't see the ones already on sheets, you can easily miss the details that are on sheets.