View Full Version : Brick Veneer

2007-02-26, 03:17 PM
Hello all.

I would like to edit an exterior wall so that while the wall base offset would be 0'-0", I would like to edit ONLY the veneer (in this case, brick) so that the brick extends below the finished floor level any set dimention (such as a minimum of 8" below the finished floor line. I have tried achieving the same result using a "wall" of only the brick veneer material, and I set it with a base offset of -0'-8", and an unconnected height of 8" (so that it would end at the finished floor line, but the brick poché doesn't match up with the poché of the actual wall, so it looks bad. Can anyone help me figure this out.

To recap, I simply want to edit an exterior wall (brick veneer) so that the veneer extends below the bottom of the wall (but only the veneer). Can this be done in Revit 9.1, and if so how?

I would greatly appreciate any help someone can give. Thanks!


2007-02-26, 03:45 PM
Go to the wall's properties, click Edit, turn on the preview and change it to a section view. Zoom in on the base, click Modify, then click on the bottom of various layers to unlock them (layers must be adjacent). Then you can set a base offset distance in your wall instance properties.

As for the brick surface pattern, you can always move and align the pattern lines to other walls so that they will line up correctly.

2007-02-26, 03:59 PM
Wow, that's great! You in fact ARE the man! I appreciate it. Now, if only I could create such a condition so that I didn't have to go all around my model and pull the veneer down. Either way, though, that really helps a bunch. Thanks again.


2007-02-26, 04:03 PM
You might consider making this out of 2 walls... one brick only (or brick and airspace I suppose) and the other with whatever the rest of the wall is made of. This way you'll have independent control over where the brick starts and stops.

2007-02-26, 04:15 PM
You might consider making this out of 2 walls... one brick only (or brick and airspace I suppose) and the other with whatever the rest of the wall is made of. This way you'll have independent control over where the brick starts and stops.

I might do that if I had conditions like footing steps where brick has to extend down different amounts along the wall. But if your footing depth/brick ledge is the same all around the building, just select all the walls, go to the wall's properties and type in your base extension distance. It has to be a negative number to make it go below the base of the wall.

2007-02-26, 05:07 PM
Now, if only I could create such a condition so that I didn't have to go all around my model and pull the veneer down.
If the distance you are pulling the veneer down is fairly consistent, you can use the Match Type tool.

2007-02-26, 05:27 PM
Thanks, I appreciate the help. I got it to show what I needed. I knew that you could make modifications to wall types using the preview window, and I had found you can lock and unlock the different components of the wall, but I just never investigated it any further. I guess I thought I could drag it down right there in the preview window. Anyway, it all makes sense now. I really appreciate it.

2007-02-26, 06:31 PM
select all the walls, go to the wall's properties and type in your base extension distance.Dang! I always forget that part! Thanks for the reminder.

2007-02-28, 04:09 PM
couldnt you also just set the whole wall height below the floor line and just cut the area out of the wall when you create the floor. Just a suggestion.