View Full Version : Sloping curb & gutter

PaperStreet SoapCO
2007-02-26, 09:14 PM
Has anyone found a good way to apply curb and gutter to a sloping site? And have it look half way decent in perspective views?

PaperStreet SoapCO
2007-02-26, 09:49 PM
In addition to that, I feel that the site modeling tools seem to be severly limited. How would I go about making my paved surface 6" lower than my toposurface. Right now they are all subregions, but is there a way to seperate the two? Or make two surfaces with contours that are offset by 6"?

2007-02-27, 03:30 AM
Depending on your patience I've seen nice results done with Split Surface instead of Subregion. This tool creates separate surface elements, by cutting one into two, that you can alter independently. You'd need to cut the resulting pieces again repeatedly until you defined all the separate parts. Once cut into pieces you can use the move command to reposition them up/down.

Keep in mind these are very hard to coordinate when you need to change the surface later and this is the reason that subregions exist today. Still no great way to have curbing follow the edges of these surfaces other than patience and perseverance.

Arnel Aguel
2007-02-27, 04:24 AM
Patience and perseverance.I like the sound of it but i'm still hopeful that we will have this patience and perseverance tool in the near future ;)

2007-02-27, 12:19 PM
Arnel, how long have you been waiting now? Three? four? years?

2007-02-27, 03:33 PM
You need to make your site wishes formally and if enough people do, they will fix the issues. It just hasn't made it to a top priority. Please submit your support requests so it makes it a top priority.

PaperStreet SoapCO
2007-02-27, 04:40 PM
Depending on your patience I've seen nice results done with Split Surface instead of Subregion. This tool creates separate surface elements, by cutting one into two, that you can alter independently. You'd need to cut the resulting pieces again repeatedly until you defined all the separate parts. Once cut into pieces you can use the move command to reposition them up/down.
This sounds like a good idea, but it seems that I cannot move a surface up or down after it is split. I use the move command, and even disjoin, and the split surface remains in the same place.

2007-02-27, 05:17 PM
After spliting the surface go into a section or elevation and move it down there. I do it all the time. There is a great tip how to make curb and gutter in the tips and trick forum.

PaperStreet SoapCO
2007-02-27, 05:20 PM
Thanks. It looks like I was trying to split and move a sub region and that didn't appear to work.

2007-02-27, 06:58 PM
These issues has been raised over, and over again during the last years.
It all relates to long time marked strategy/planning, since this problem is connected to civil3d tasks like roads/site/landscape planning work.

If the workarounds are to stupid, then patience is the only solution.
Wait 5 years for Autodesk to set up their master plan.

Still Revit is brilliant for flatland projects, just let the hilly stuff be solved by Superior software.
It´s worth the price tag for now, but it needs help from a civil suite in future.

PS:(Civil 3d is not Revit-land)

2010-02-11, 06:20 PM
I now this post is old - but with new version of Revit try this:
