View Full Version : visible slope arrows

2007-02-26, 10:17 PM
Is there any way to make slope arrows visible? Or, I guess (since I haven't found one) there's no tag that could read the slope it's associated with the way spot elevations read single points. Any other bright ideas?
Faking it for now.

Wes Macaulay
2007-03-09, 07:26 PM
I'd love a tool that does this -- reports the slope of a slab or roof. There isn't one now, sadly, though I have a dummy tag for this purpose.

2007-03-14, 12:36 PM
Hi guys,

No promises (as usual) but I have been tasked with investigating slopes and how architects and engineers represent them on their drawings. If you (and others) wouldn't mind answering a short list of questions it would help. Thanks...

What exactly are you trying to annotate with a slope arrow?
Is it the face of a sloped surface, an edge or something else?
How do you represent this slope (ie how are you "faking it") now?
In what views are you typically placing these annotations?
In which direction are you indicating slope (up or down)?
Do you ever want to represent a slope other than the maximum slope on a surface?
On what types (shapes) of surfaces would indicating a slope be useful?
Please feel free to comment and add any other suggestions.


2007-03-14, 04:17 PM
1]What exactly are you trying to annotate with a slope arrow?
The Fall of the Roof or Floor in either Plan or Section View
2]Is it the face of a sloped surface, an edge or something else?
The Face of a Sloped Floor or Roof
3]In what views are you typically placing these annotations?
in either Plan or Section
4]In which direction are you indicating slope (up or down)?
Normally downward slope ie. fall to a Gutter etc.
5]Do you ever want to represent a slope other than the maximum slope on a surface?
NO normally i just specify a slope ie. 5 deg fall to gutter. their is no "max fall"
6]On what types (shapes) of surfaces would indicating a slope be useful?
All kinds of shape - there are lots of roof shapes out there!

Dwane Stairmand

2007-03-14, 04:50 PM
What exactly are you trying to annotate with a slope arrow?
The downward slope of roofs or slabs.
Is it the face of a sloped surface, an edge or something else?
The face in plan, top surface for sections (a rise over run symbol in that case)
How do you represent this slope (ie how are you "faking it") now?
I've been opening the entity for editing, looking at the internal slope arrow, closing and approximating the slope direction with a dumb arrow symbol, then adding a text note with either a slope percentage or rise/run depending on the entity.
In what views are you typically placing these annotations?
Roof, site and garage: plans and sections. Dumb slope arrows are also used for floor drains in almost any plan, but I usually don't mess with actually modeling the slope of the floor.
In which direction are you indicating slope (up or down)?
Do you ever want to represent a slope other than the maximum slope on a surface?
Yes. exterior slopes sometimes have accessibility requirements in both the direction of travel and cross slope.
On what types (shapes) of surfaces would indicating a slope be useful?
All planar roof shapes and if I need precise information for slabs on grade I've used linked triangles to create a kind of mesh.

Mike Sealander
2007-03-14, 05:50 PM
I'd like to add that it would be nice to be able to parametrically slope objects, like floors, ceilings, beams. This could be done with grips in section, for instance. It would also be nice to be able to parametrically change the slope of an object by having it snap to a datum. For instance, a ramp could parametrically snap to a level. Then, the slope could get reported in the slope arrow.

2007-03-27, 03:18 PM
Symbolic lines would be helpful if they were available in the sketch tools for floors, roofs, stairs and ramps.

Below are responses to the questions.

What exactly are you trying to annotate with a slope arrow?

Direction of slope with option to display slope value in either 1:n or degrees.

Is it the face of a sloped surface, an edge or something else?

Face of sloped surface

How do you represent this slope (ie how are you "faking it") now?

We are using detail lines and text.

In what views are you typically placing these annotations?

Floor plans, sections and elevations

In which direction are you indicating slope (up or down)?

Typically from the current floor level, so either up or down.

Do you ever want to represent a slope other than the maximum slope on a surface?


On what types (shapes) of surfaces would indicating a slope be useful?

Roofs, ramps, floors, pads, topography & masses

2009-02-10, 09:00 PM
Has anything been developed for visible slope arrow annotations. I did not know what else to search in the forum and then found this little jewel. I have just started useing the slope tools for floors and think they work very well. Now I just want to tag it and have a slope arrow come up and list the slope of the floor. Oh yeah same for roofs!


2009-02-10, 09:05 PM
This is a wishlist item (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=68257&highlight=slope+reporting+tag)

2009-02-10, 09:10 PM
seems like they could have figured this one out by now? oh well back to text with leaders.

2009-02-10, 11:07 PM
Symbolic lines would be helpful if they were available in the sketch tools for floors, roofs, stairs and ramps.

Below are responses to the questions.

What exactly are you trying to annotate with a slope arrow?

Direction of slope with option to display slope value in either 1:n or degrees.

Is it the face of a sloped surface, an edge or something else?

Face of sloped surface

How do you represent this slope (ie how are you "faking it") now?

We are using detail lines and text.

In what views are you typically placing these annotations?

Floor plans, sections and elevations

In which direction are you indicating slope (up or down)?

Typically from the current floor level, so either up or down.

Do you ever want to represent a slope other than the maximum slope on a surface?


On what types (shapes) of surfaces would indicating a slope be useful?

Roofs, ramps, floors, pads, topography & masses

John Fleming
GMK Architecture, inc.

2009-03-12, 07:24 PM
Mike Massey reports in his blog (http://knowingwhatyoudontknow.blogspot.com/2009/03/cool-new-stuff-in-revit-architecture.html) that a slope tag tool is new in Revit 2010.