View Full Version : Gross area of Elevations

2007-02-27, 07:55 PM
We're doing a parking ramp. One of the requirements is that we leave a certain percentage of the walls open for air circulation. I know I can do a Wall Area take-off schedule, but I'm not aware of anything that will let me calculate the gross area of an Elevation. The walls are pre-cast panels, so they do not go from floor to floor & do not have openings cut in them. They just don't cover the whole area.

2007-02-27, 08:04 PM
Maybe you could do a filled region over the extents of the garage elevation. It'll report it's area in the properties dialog.

Then just subtract of your wall schedule value.

2007-02-27, 08:14 PM
I go through this all the time with certain building code calculations. Short answer is that there is no easy way to do this in Revit. The only way you can get areas on vertical elements is to create a filled region over top of it and read the area from properties. You cannot copy and paste this amount nor use it in a formula. You have to get a pencil and paper and write down this figure. Revit is not very advanced in this. Autodesk is fully aware of this problem and has concluded that this solution is the one that best meets our needs. I will say that this is one area where Vectorworks beats Revit easily. ( I think the score is 625 to 8 for Revit at this point).
