View Full Version : Embedded Curtain Wall w/ Sill

2007-02-28, 03:27 PM
First post - hooray!

I'm a novice user getting into Revit. I'm using 9.1, and have been utilizing the Curtain Wall 1 to perform all of my storefront windows / curtain walls etc. using the 'automatically embed' option in the properties.

How do I get a sill underneath this window to look correct? I have a low brick wall underneath this window, and a precast sill wants to sit on top of the brick, and provide a transition for the curtainwall.

Do I need to create a separate family? If so - how do I change the opening cut to display the sill correctly?

I have a similar issue for a soldier course or precast lintel above the window head.



2007-02-28, 04:48 PM
I would suggest that you create a precast sill family. File>new>family, then generic wall based. Create the geometry there. Import into your project file and place it.

If you haven't gotten into the family editor yet, you might hunt for such a family at Revitcity.com. You need to become a member in order to download files.

2007-03-01, 02:01 PM
I think you could also create a custom mullion that includes a sill and use it for the bottom mullion only.

2007-03-06, 06:57 PM
All - thanks for your help regarding the matter -

I've created a wall hosted family for the sill - and parameterized it. Now when I insert it, I get the result in the attached pdf.

How do I carve out the exterior portion of the wall to properly show the sill? Someone in our office mentioned a void object, however, they could not give direction on how to utilize it. Any help is appreciated!


2007-03-06, 07:29 PM
Go back in to your wall hosted family, and create a void object in the family that cuts the required amount out of the wall. Remember to contrain the void so that it behaves appropriately with whatever size parameters you have put in for the sill itself. :)

2007-03-06, 09:13 PM
Ahhh yes, the amazing embedded sill! I've seen a few of those at our office as well.

I'll offer one simple solution. I think you're using a stacked wall there. What we're currently doing is having one stacked wall for the area between windows, and another stacked wall for the area with a window. The one at the window has a wall type that only contains the structural framing and sheathing, but has nothing there for the exterior finish. If you line it up correctly and place the wall you'll notice a blank space underneath your windows instead of the gray thing. Then again, we use wall sweeps for our cast stone sills, so we have those embedded into the basic wall types we use for stacking purposes.

After adding the additional wall type you should be able to happily place your family - you'll probably have to edit the family so that it attaches to the face of the wall rather than being embedded into the wall.

If you want to try the void form: Open the family, make a void form where you want it to cut, and then make sure the void is cutting the wall, not your sill. Usually, you want to follow an order in these things. A void assumes it will cut the pre-existing object. So, it is likely that your void will want to cut your sill, not the wall. You might be able to re-set this behavior. If not, delete them both and make the void first, and the sill second. One it looks right in the family (flex it too), load it into the project, select yes to override parameter values, and it should cut the wall.

If you want to try doing the sill as a sweep rather than a family, here's an example...

Good Luck

2007-03-06, 11:16 PM
Ok -

I've inserted a void object ito my family, parameterized it to move with my sill piece, and the void is not cutting the wall.

Is there a simple 'check box' I need to have selected for the void to work?



2007-03-06, 11:37 PM
Post your family on here.

You need to use the "cut geometry" tool. If you look at your menu bar in Revit:

The top one has file, edit etc...
The second one has you new, open, save, save to central, etc...
The third one has plane, plane visibility, spelling, tape measure...

On that third bar there is a set of buttons that starts wit two gray squares. That is your join geometry tool. The next is your unjoin geometry. The next two are your cut, and don't cut geometry tools. (hold your mouse over the button for a moment and it will tell you which is which)

Now, if the void is cutting the sill, use the "don't cut" to select the sill and the void in any order.

Then, use the "cut" tool and select the wall and the void.


That should work for you.

2007-03-07, 01:35 PM
I've attached the wall hosted family I've used for this sill condition. In the file, you'll see the 'precast' sill and the void object. Right now, I was just trying to clip out the wall where it extends above the sill chamfer.

By your last post, I should be able to completely cover the sill with the void object, and select 'don't cut', and the sill will continue to display. I'll check it out.


2007-03-07, 03:03 PM
A HA! The cut / don't cut geometry tools worked like a charm. Within the family, I defined what the void would and would not cut. When I uploaded it back into my project, it then cut the wall properly.

Thanks for the help!

2007-03-07, 07:51 PM
Ain't it nice when it works right!