View Full Version : Can't save! Not enough space for temp file?

Andre Baros
2007-03-01, 11:34 PM
"There is not enough space on drive C: to create the temporary files that Revit needs. Either free up space on this drive, or redefine Windows user variable TMP to a folder on another drive with more space."

But it just worked the last time I saved and I have 21 gigs of free space... is this a Windows issue or a Revit issue?

2007-03-02, 06:00 AM
Never had this issue/message. 21GB should be plenty, but I'm wondering if perhaps your virtual memory (paging file) is set too small. If you have 2Gb RAM, it needs to be set to 4092 MB (typically twice your Ram). If you go to Task Manager and go to View->Select Columns and add Virtual Memory Size; what is it showing by Revit.exe?

2007-03-02, 01:39 PM
Clean out your temporary files. Right click on your harddrive and click Disk cleanup. It will locate your temporary files and you can clean them up.

Or go to C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Temp and physically remove the temporary files.

2007-03-02, 03:09 PM
We had this problem on a large project, deleting the temp files will not help. If you take a look at your temp files you will see the problem, go to Start > Run and type %temp% you will see revit creates a file called revittemp, this is how big your revit file actually is when decompressed. There seems to be a limit on how big this file can get that is directly related to how much ram you have, if you have 2gb of ram this file will only go to 2gb, if you have 3gb the file will go to 3gb, it seems the problems start happening when it wants to get bigger than 2gb

A few tips to avoid this
1. Add more RAM 3gb is a minimum on a large project, 4gb is preffered
2. Enable the /3GB switch
3. Use worksets effeciently (split your building up and only open the worksets you need)
4. Compress/purge the central file weekly or bi-weekly

2007-03-05, 06:14 AM
Never knew that David. Thanks for the heads up.

2008-08-15, 06:00 PM
What are you referring to with the statement "Enable the /3GB switch"?

Matt Brennan
2008-08-15, 07:07 PM
What are you referring to with the statement "Enable the /3GB switch"?

See the link below


2008-08-15, 08:07 PM
Ah, Thanks.

OK. So, next question then. While rendering I'm running into this wall frequently while trying to turn out some decent DPI decent size images. Yes, they may be slightly large (11x17 at 300DPI) but I certainly don't think so and I've done TONS larger with other apps.

Anyway, I'm reading through this link provided and I test out "what Revit is using" as far as RAM demands. Neither Revit nor Revit's rendering process even hits a 1GB amount before I get the error. Of course, I can't quote the rendering engine's amount at point of demise because as soon as the error appears the process drops off my task manager. I think it was around 500,000 - 600,000 k MEM and VM. Revit got to 520,000 MEM and 760,000 VM.

Therefore, the 3GB switch wouldn't help me, right?
I clean out the TMP folder, I defrag, my TMP folder's drive has 100GB reported free, restart and restart: same issue.

I do get farther into the rendering on some attempts than others, however. Max was at about 50%, I think.

More thoughts?

-----side comment: sorry I'm mixing this conversation with other TMP folder error threads. I've been searching like crazy through the forums today.

2008-08-15, 09:33 PM
Have you checked what your Journals are reporting when the problem occurs?