View Full Version : Paste Aligned - Same Place problem!

2007-03-02, 03:23 PM
I have a building section with several metal stud wall detail components. I have 4 6" stud wall detail components, and 8 3-5/8" stud wall detail components. I'm trying to paste aligned these into another building section looking the same way, but farther down the building.

So if I select all 12 components, copy to clipboard, then go to the other view and try to paste aligned, all the options for paste aligned are grayed out!

So I go back and pick just the 6" stud components and try to paste those, still won't work!

Finally I tried copying just the 8 3-5/8" components and that worked. But then I had to do just 2 of the 6" components at a time. If I picked all 4, it would not let me paste aligned.

Anybody ever run into this before? I was picking each item individually (not by a pick window or crossing window) so I know I wasn't picking up anything else and trying to paste it.

2007-03-02, 04:05 PM
I haven't ran into this before. But when I can't use the paste aligned command, I simply paste from clipboard, paste off of my model somewhere and these items stay selected, so then you just click move, grab the whole lot of them and place them where you need them. It's quite fast really when you can't get it to place automatically.


2007-03-08, 10:30 PM
This is a file that was started back in 2004, probably either on version 6.1 or 7, so I'm not sure if that's contributing to the problem or not.

The problem appears to be with line-based detail components that extent out past a view's crop region. If I try to select more than one and copy, it will not let me paste aligned. I have to select each component that extends out of the view, and copy and paste each component individually.

2007-03-08, 10:59 PM
You could try grouping them temporarily and cutting/pasting?

2007-03-09, 01:07 AM
nope, grouping did not work, either.

2007-03-09, 03:05 AM
Im not suer if line based detail components work similarly with line based generic models, but (in ly limited experience) ive discovered line based generic models reallllllllly dont like bwing copied/arrayed/mirroed/grouped, etc.

I made a line based family of a dentil molding, and its great, becuase it truncates itself if its an odd length. But man... the moment someone mirrors it, or rotates a copy, or whatever... Its out in hyper space. I think its because it tries to maintain its relationship to the original workplane, with the line that it is based on. Its just a guess, but man... they get nasty for me. :(

2007-03-09, 04:49 PM
I don't know, because they copy/paste aligned fine if I do them individually. It's when I pick several of them together that the whole Paste Aligned sub-menu becomes grayed out.

2011-10-12, 08:11 AM
I have the same problem when i try to copy and paste in place modelled components. so annoying really as when i just CTRL+V the components are ghosted where they were in the copied from model, but i have to click a placement point. It knows were they should go it just doesn't let me put them there.

I always end up dropping them somewhere random then moving them into place - pretty irritating though :(

2011-12-21, 04:53 PM
I have the same problem trying to copy some elements from an old backup file. Aligned to same place is not selectable in menu

2011-12-22, 01:00 AM
Are all the 'Aligned To' options greyed out? Sometimes I haven't been able to Paste: Aligned to Same Place, but I have been able to Paste: Aligned to Selected (or Current) View. Which achieves exactly the same result.