View Full Version : Wall Layer extensions

2007-03-02, 07:34 PM
Why is it we can't have free reign with wall layers. I want to be able to extend, attach or do whatever I want with all my wall layers. There are so many conditions, especially on interiors, with soffits, stair-wells etc., that I may need to extend both sides, one side, and maybe at the bottom do the same thing or whatever. It seems like there are so many errors that come along with wall layers that it's a real bottleneck when getting to these stages. I just give up and use detail components most of the time because some walls will attache their layers to roofs, or a floor, and some simply will not. I wish if there were guidelines, they were listed somewhere where they were clear and at least could be dealt with, but it seems like it's kind of a mystery in some cases. Kind of a rant, but more of a plea to understand this a Little better. Seems like one of those things I keep running into and never really get through it saying, oh, now I get it.


2007-03-02, 08:55 PM
I try to avoid doing any layer extensions... except maybe around the perimeter. I've had too many problems and spent too much time screwing with them in the past to consider it worthwhile. To deal with the incorrect look in the sections I use the Edit Cut Profile tool and to clean them up in Elevations and Camera views I use the Paint Bucket to apply the correct material to the offending face. Seems to make my life a lot easier.

2007-03-02, 09:45 PM
Thanks...good advice.
