View Full Version : 2 Questions from a new user

2007-03-02, 08:52 PM
We have just started using RevIt and have a couple of questions.

1) We have a low wall with a counter on top of it. How can we get the wall below to show up as a dashed line?

2) Are there any predefined families for window mullions? Or, are there any out there?


2007-03-02, 09:04 PM
We have just started using RevIt and have a couple of questions.
1) We have a low wall with a counter on top of it. How can we get the wall below to show up as a dashed line?
Thanks!You will need to use the hidden line tool for this one. (see attached image)

We have just started using RevIt and have a couple of questions.
2) Are there any predefined families for window mullions? Or, are there any out there?
Thanks!I do not believe that there are any mullion families that come with Revit out-of-the-box (OOTB). They are fairly straight forward to create. You may also want to check out Revit City. They have a lot of good Revit content available for download and its all FREE.

2007-03-02, 09:25 PM
[QUOTE=jcoe]You will need to use the hidden line tool for this one. (see attached image)

That didn't do anything in my drawing. Maybe I'm not using it correclty. I picked the Show Hidden Line tool, then picked the counter and then the wall and nothing happened.

2007-03-02, 09:49 PM
Is the extrusion in your counter top family showing if floor plan?, or is the boundary of the counter top merely represented in plan view with symbolic lines? If the geometry for the countertop is set to show in plan view, then it should be covering up the wall below completely, in which case the show hidden lines tool will work. If it is not showing in plan view, then you will have to use the linework tool to get the wall to show dashed. The show hidden lines tool is meant to show hidden elements, so if the element is not hidden, then it will show normal.

Hope this helps.


2007-03-02, 09:58 PM
I'm not sure what your asking. I drew a wall using a standard wall style, changed the height to 34 1/2". Then I loaded a Revit family for counters from the Domestic Kitchen library and add a counter on top of the wall. Attached is a test file.

Using the Show Hidden lines had no affect on it.

2007-03-02, 10:10 PM
See the attached image of the visibilty control in the family editor to see how diff. elements within a family are told in what view they show up.

I also attached a your revit file showing one view containing the difference in how the family would show itself with diff. vis. settings within the family itself. Take a look at both Level one views and the 3d view. you can see what's going on from there. Keep in mind I quickly drew and in-place family for my countertop, but the same logic applies. let me know if you need more help.


2007-03-02, 11:02 PM
OK, I figured it out thanks. Wonder why RevIt doesn't set up their counters that way from the get go.

Anyway, I have another question though.

Where does RevIt pull it's fonts from? How can I add a font?

2007-03-02, 11:20 PM
MS Windows > Start > Settings > Configuration > Fonts

2007-03-02, 11:37 PM
So, we use an AutoCAD complied shape file called architxt.shp and I can't add that to the Windows Fonts folder. Which means RevIt can't see it right?

Is there a comparable font out there that is a Windows font?

BTW just curious which version of windows you're running cause that path doesn't exist on my version of XP?

I had to do Start > Control Panel > Fonts.

2007-03-02, 11:41 PM
Revit makes use of the Architxt True type font file.

Google architxt.ttf and youll find some places to download it for free.

Then, you just drop it in C:\WINDOWS\FONTS

Restart Revit and youre good to go. :)

2007-03-02, 11:46 PM
Awesome, thanks!

That's one thing I can get my boss off my back about.

2007-03-03, 02:46 AM
OK, I figured it out thanks. Wonder why RevIt doesn't set up their counters that way from the get go.

Anyway, I have another question though.

Where does RevIt pull it's fonts from? How can I add a font?
Good reason not to show all geometry or want to control visibility in certain views. The less 3d geometry you show, the quicker revit processes that view when regenerating etc. So this is actually a good feature. Play around with families some more and you'll get the feel for it.
