View Full Version : Visibility of Columns in Detail Views

2007-03-02, 10:03 PM
Structural columns are not displaying in our detail views when inside an architectural column. The structural columns display fine in the parent views of the details. The structural columns are in a linked file. The structural columns are there and can be seen in the detail view if in wireframe mode.

I've searched around the site and found some posts about some issues regarding the nature of the architectural columns but haven't found anything to explain what is happening in our case yet.

Any ideas? Thanks.

2007-03-02, 11:43 PM
In the VG settings of the detail view, is the linked files Detail Level set to Coarse, Medium or Fine? The actual view as well?

2007-03-04, 01:19 AM
I'm having same kind of problem and have no linked files.
Callout done as 'Floor Plan' shows Structural Column fine, Callout done as 'Detail View: Detail' will not allow me to show Structural Column.

See attached jpg. below and attached journal included as an example.

2007-03-05, 06:12 PM
Yup same thing. I edited the column family and put a hold in the middle of the column extrusion. I can now see the structural column. It seems to me that the visibility settings of the detail view are confused about this column. It is a plan view so I don't know why it is even considering the display of the extrusion in the column because its visibility is turned off in the family for plan/rcp. ???

2007-03-06, 06:07 PM
I've had the exact problem since yesterday. I copied out just the column, walls and Detail view to a new project and monkeyed with that. I soon found that the column exhibits the weird behaviour when the bottom has a negative offset (it seems that -4' is the magic point).
Changing the View Range --> Primary Range Bottom and the View Depth to have an offset of even -1" forces the column to show again.
It appears to be a consequence of the column or its properties.
I can replicate and repair the problem, I just can't explain it.